I Made A Joke No one Could Understand..

Today I was having a conversation with my sister and dad after dinner and I cracked up a little kpop related joke, but they didn't get it. Lol. XD

My sister was a little sick and she asked my dad if she should take some pills for it. 

So I said, Heyy, don't take too much then you'll get Overdosed! And then someone need to call the doctor for you! *wink wink*

Get it? get it? It just came out in my sentence, like, kpop reference! Lol! I found it amusing and genius. XD LOL! #lamejoke

But yeah... My sister and dad are not kpop fans, so they just didn't care. I in the other hand smiled to myself widely. And my sister who noticed me smiling just blinked weirdly, like, hy is she smiling? 

Hahahahaha! Those moments I wish there were more kpop fans around me..... TwT HAHAHAHAHA! X3

Well, thats it! :D

Bye~! <3


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yeah.. Only kpop fans understand kpop jokes... That's why i dont make kpop jokes at home bcus no one will understand... But if i were there at your home that time... I will laugh nonstop xD bcus that was soooo funny ><
Haha that's hilarious! I had a similar joke too. But it was more like someone mentioned the word overdose so I jumped in the conversation and said "Someone better call the doctor. Wink, Wink" And yes I literally said wink wink. But sadly no one got it. *Sigh*
But totally hilarious. Only k-pop fans will know. ^^
LOL only us kpop people will get it
ABYK22 #4
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA your joke was hilarious i wished i was there we would have laughed like mad ppl lol