I couldn't think of a title so I looked around my room and wrote the first thing I saw-- which is a drawing my dongsaeng sent me calling me "Squire".
Alright, well, I'm going to ramble again because that's what I seem to be doing lots. For those who care, I'm doing better. I no longer have the major issue in my life that was the cause of most of my stress and misery. I'm also on sleeping pills and headache pills so that's going better too. Except my headache pills make me want to sleep in class. Which I've done.
However, I've fallen into a slump. I tend to do that every handful of months, I've noticed. I just have no motivation and no urge to do anything. I've also noticed a vicious cycle with these slumps. I don't divide my attention. I give every ounce of my attention onto one specific thing. A year ago when I was in a slump I focused only on anime and I watched anime after anime. A few months after that, it was K-pop and I allowed myself to focus only on B.A.P. After that, it was K-dramas. After that, Youtube gamers. Then, it went back to K-dramas. A few months ago it was Youtube gamers. Now, it's back to anime and Youtube gamers, but mostly anime. So, if you're trying to talk to me, chances are I have no desire to (it's not your fault, it's my own and I just--- ehhhh. I'll be better in a week or two when I stop being so slumpy) and I'm probably watcing anime.

Looking back at the title I was reminded of my dongsaeng. We met when I roleplayed Soul Eater two years ago and even though we're 24284209 miles away she's bloody important. She's such an adorable dork, the person that listens and scolds me and tells me whats up and I have been talking to her less and less. I feel bad because she sends messages every single day and I never have any motivation to check them. Poor dongsaeng. Your squire loves you. Even when you're a little . Like when you told me you were sending my Christmas and birthday gift yesterday. That's a no. I prefer giving and not receiving you little brat.

Don't know why I'm feeling so mushy. Maybe it's becacuse of my mom. The woman literally came into my room three times crying about how her babies were growing up. Ma, please. Your twins graduated on Friday but we turned 18 a while ago. I'm not going anywhere unless you kick me out, which I know you intend to do as soon as June hits but hopefully this reality that your youngest children aren't children anymore, will come crashing down even more and you'll let me stay because where the do I go? xD


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That's great to hear that you are better... I think those "focus" points are just natural and I think I'm experiencing the same thing. I fawn over one specific thing then I move onto the next so don't think it's weird. In addition, I'm always lazy so I guess I have an 'eternal slump' hahaha. Congratulations on your graduation. I don't think I said it before, maybe I have lol. If my mom were to come to me crying, I'd be like o.o cause that would be uber awkward. Like the name Squire hahaha it's similar to Storm too. Miss you and it's great hearing from you. :) ooh, just asking, are you kind of over b.a.p right now? Because that's how I'm feeling atm. I don't check on the boys anymore and I feel as though I'm not fangirling over them like I used to. I wish I could get back to anime. I met a few people at a small party and they visited Japan not too long ago. They are amazing at Japanese, and well... I think I'll blame them if I get back into (meaning obsess over) anime and J-pop again. hahaha