Stars Die Too

The Issue

Since today is the apparent EXO press conference, I just wanted to give my two cents on the whole situation with Kris aka "Krisis". 

I'm pretty sure almost everyone has heard of the lawsuit he filed against SM Entertainment and how he's a "betrayer" and is "irresponsible". I've also heard countless rumors about Kris being selfish and money minded. About how he never cared about being in EXO or s.

That being said, please take note that they are all rumors. Us fans will never know what goes on in their lives and behind the doors of the SM building. No matter how hard we try to pry into their lives, we can only catch a tiny glimpse. There isn't sufficient evidence to label Kris as a traitor. 

If Kris wants to leave SM and EXO, then as fans we should support his decision. Please don't be swayed by what the media feeds us because they might not come from a credible source.  When I first heard that Kris had sued his company, I was beyond shocked. It was like a repeat of DBSK and I didn't want Kris to leave the group. I thought that EXO couldn't function without Kris being in the group. I thoroughly believed that 12-1=0. Without Kris, there couldn't be a complete EXO. 

I evaluated and reflected on the whole issue and came to my senses. Kris is a human. Like you and me, he has feelings. He has blood running through his body and a beating heart. He gets hurt too. 

Kris is a person.

I would also like to add that it's not very nice to say that it's because Kris is a Chinese so that's why he's like that.

As fans, we shouldn't criticize him. We shouldn't condemn the company and most of all, we shouldn't lose faith in EXO. No matter what happens, life still goes on and we should respect their decisions. 

Thank you. 


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I can't say I entirely support his decisions since he was the leader and could've handled it better, but I respect them even if I don't agree entirely on his end. People calling him or Exo names are NOT being good fans they're just being a nusicance and horrible people if not anything else. Either way this guy still has my support as well as I still support Exo to ^^ I wish everyone nothing but the best.
Baekhyun0624 #2