OMFG BTS IS GOING TO BE AT KCON AND IM SCREAMING. Sadly plane tickets are like $530 and I meed to raise it all in less than 3 months. ㅠㅠ

These are my babieeeees and ugh life is so unfair. Plus GG is set for the show and I would love to see my baes, Taeyeon and Tiffany. Excuse me while I go sob in the corner.


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1ll1ll9oo #1
excuse me taeyeon is my bae :3
and so is jessica c:


But to the real reason why I'm creeping around... is actually to promote myself x'D
I'm in the superstar kcon thing :)
And I'm falling behind in votes... a lot...
It'd mean a lot if you could vote for me ^^

I'm Aileen in Round 6!

Thanks, and I really hope you can get the money to be there!!! :D
I have to paint the entire deck and do all the yardwork for my mom to pay for my plane so it's worth it!!!