Graduation!! \(^o^ )/

So my sister graduated tonight *cries* She is the 18th in her class so I am very proud of her. While we were playing (band) the Pomp and Circumstance (graduation music) when they were walking out I couldn't see her past the potted trees from where I was sitting but I thought about her and all of the other seniors that I know especially my band seniors because I'm really close to them and I stopped playing to keep my self from crying. But I did actually cry when we were playing Happy- I ing hate that song we had to play it so goddamn much ugh- and I don't know what made me do it but I just cried my eyes out. I don't know what I was thinking of or anything I just started crying. I made my friend Crystal who was sitting beside me cry, she was trying to be strong. I guess it was because I saw both of my other friends with tears in their eyes and I cry when other people cry so yeah. I'm gonna miss her...mainly because I'll be stuck with my little sister for three more years TwT I can't do it!

Chan's Girl


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OMO I'm graduating in a few weeks!
I'm a crier so I'm definitely gonna cry.
(sadly my brother didn't graduate, he got held back....)
I'm going to be a wreck when the seniors graduate tonight, I have a lot of friends in that grade T.T