I need so some adivce guys.

I have a lot of stories going on right. Different pairings, genres and such.

But the thing is... I just have no will to write them anymore.

Like I want to continue to write but just not those.

I have been forcing myself and I just feel those who read are going to be disappointed.

I've been thinking just to start over or delete those I wont ever write for again. Of course I'll save them just in case but idk.

Hell even make a new account to move away from my old writing because since many of those have started my writing has gotten much better.

maybe ever just redo them all??

It . 

Like should I just keep pushing forward or make a clean slate?



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Maybe you should put them all in a hiatus and give some time to yourself you know? And then you can decide what's best for you :3
I did a clean slate tbh--
I wanted to be a different style of writer--