what am i doing to myself

Right now, idek if what I am doing is worth it. I am depriving myself from the foods that I want to eat. I had dental braces and now my teeth hurts like hell and I can't even chew a small piece of bread because of the pain. I drink tea which don't taste good because they said that it will help you lose weight or anything. I don't even know if this will have good results in the end. Every time that i look in the mirror, I start hating myself. Why does my face look swollen. Why don't have whiter skin like the others, why are my arms full of fat or whatsoever. Everytime I look at the mirror, I just want to close my eyes and stop looking at myself. I can't help but feel like or feel ugly. I don't know anymore. And I am not posting this because.. i just want to let my emotions out because I've been holding them inside for so long and i think i might explode if I don't. Damn life. 


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Aww, don't be too hard in yourself. You're really pretty (di kita binobola girl)
You are beautiful the way you are
That tea doesn't do any thing in losing fats. I heared a doctor saying this
It's hard but if you really hate it start doing small exercises everyday. Drink and eat a lot of soft things you don't have to chew.
But I'm sure you're beautiful how you are.
I hate my figure too. I want to tone my arms but it's so hard!