It's been two years.

Two years ago, the news about Hankyung's decision to leave SME broke out. It brought tears to every fan and friend that he has. Time really flies fast. I remember that I was just beginning to be an ELF when that news came. Now, two years, he and the boys of Super Junior are doing well on their own. Well, whatever or however SME treats Super Junior, the fact that they are still standing strong makes me happy. As for Hankyung, no, Han Geng, he's been successful with his carreer. I hope fans would stop saying 'Heechul' to him every time. Have you seen the recent incident when fans kept cheering Heechul's name? Can't you see the pain and forcefullness of his smile? I have nothing against when people say he's still part of Super Junior. I just don't want people to go to him and be reminded of it. I remember there was a fan that said something about Beijing fried rice and he replied saying something him not being Mr. Beijing friend rice I think.


Anyway, I just want to recall how fast time is. I remember reading somewhere that Han Geng thought that if he goes back to China and his career doesn't go well as a star, he would probably end up as a dance teacher. But look at him now, we're so proud of him.


All I can say is, the decision Han Geng made was one of the best decisions he made.




cr: haninggeng in tumblr


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shed tears coz of this... :'( i respect hes decision but that doesn't erase the good memories of Super Junior with him as mr. Beijing Fried Rice :'(
I agree. :'))

That's true he said his not Mr. Beijing Fried Rice anymore. I cried when he left when I just became an ELF too... (On 2009 actually) & just left.

At least now his free. Nothing to worry about. :)
Yes ... Times passes by so fast.:O