Exo situation will it affect my fanfic?

The answer is... NOPE! Kris will still be in my fanfic as the randomly sarcastic kid he is. Do I support ot12 or ot11? I honestly don't care XDD It sounds mean, insensitive, and or cruel but I support everyone and their decision. Exo will move on and Kris will move on. There's no need to have hard feelings about anything. So yeah...right now I'm working on my GAYA fanfic but later on I will work on my exo fanfic as well. Tis both a slow process and I have ideas for more fanfics XD It's just I am trying to complete the works I finished first before introducing anything else XDDD Honestly I am not even half way through with the first two fanfics XDDD Hopefully I will continue writing and having everything completed by the time I start school again for the fall. That way I can release the other fanfics that I created XDDD


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