Dream Concert 2014

It was a long hard battle, 3 hours to be exact, but me and my friend finally got our tickets to the Dream Concert on June 7th!

I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.

Of course my excitement isn't the same as with Big Bang or the YG Family concert but it's a close second.

I will get to see many artists again like EXO, Beast, and Girls Day. While I also get to see new artists like GOT7 and Topp Dogg. 

Best part is the tickets only cost us 5,000 KRW. 

I don't even want to talk about how much I've paid for my bias *sigh*

Hopefully I will also be able to attend KCon in LA since I will be going back home to California on June 24th.

I'm really sad to be leaving Korea since it has truly become a second home to me but I will return in 2016 once again.

I just hope that I can survive that long without my subak juice and kampitang.

Until Dream Concert



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