Father's Day/Suho's Birthday Fic

Kim Joonmyeon has never been on friendly terms with his family, so when his elder brother and sister-in-law pass away in a car accident, the Korean Literature professor is mind-boggled as to why his brother chose him as the sole guardian of his three young sons. However, as confused as he is, something in Joonmyeon compels him to accept his brother's wishes-despite his elderly parents' protests and arguments. Maybe it was the fear that the children would end up like him, deprived of parental love and estranged from family...or maybe it was the nagging loneliness in the back of his head.

Either way, the professor finds himself working a stressful job, trying to woo a sort-of taken woman, and raising three boys-all in the middle of hectic Seoul. With the pressure weighing down on him, will Joonmyeon end up giving up the children to his parents, or will his love for the kids give him strength to carry on?



Genre: slight angst, fluff, family

Pairings: surong, lumin, friendship!sekai, chenmi



For Papa Suho's 24th birthday and early Father's Day!

I'll get it updated sometime this week! Promise! ^^




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