Juliette(주 리 에 트) | Kim Jisoo | Jewel


I am Kim "Jewel" Jisoo

Character Name— Kim Jisoo

Other Names—

— Jewel Kim 
— N/a
— N/a


— G("JI"soo) (Infinite members call her this and they are calling her with one letter like her big brother's stage name          which is "L". They called her like this when they first met her.)
— Juu (This is the nickname that the members call her and it is from her stage name "Jewel")
— Makeup-Maniac (the fans and the members call her this because of her addiction and skills in makeup.)
— L's Girl Version (When Jisoo doesn't smile, that is Jewel and when she smiles then that is Jisoo. It is like the difference      of L and Myungsoo.)


Birthday— July 16, 1994 (16/07/1994)

Age— 20

Birthplace & Hometown— Jeollabuk-do, South Korea & Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity— Full Korean

Blood Type— B

Height— 167cm

Weight— 48kg


— Korean ( fluent )
— Japanese ( learning,basic )

Face Claim— Im Nana || Gallery

Backup Face Claim— Kim Yura || Gallery

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Training: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Formal: 1 | 2 
 1| 2 | 3 | 4 

Personality— Jisoo is very buoyant, bright and sweet. She always smiles brightly at people and will always be there for the people she loves. Jisoo is the brightest and most cheerful member of Juliette. That's why her name is "Jewel". You'd think of flowers and sunshine when you meet her because of her very cheerful and positive personality. She is always trying to be hopeful, optimistic and positive even when she feels down sometimes. She is naturally cute and her aegyos are not intentional. This baby-faced member might fool you with her cuteness. She transforms into a charismatic performer on-stage and can really get into the character. She usually uses up all of her energy at day-time and then she'll be drowsy later in the night-time. She doesn't do chores at night but she is the patissiere of the group. She likes to bake stuff like cookies or bread for her members in the morning. Jisoo is a "makeup maniac". Meaning, she loves makeup and she knows a lot about it just by watching beauty shows or learning online. She is like a professional now since she knows a lot abaout it. The members are often scolded by Jisoo. She always tell them to do their skincare well so their skin will be really healthy. Her scolding are just out of love.

Jisoo wants to always make her family proud of her and because of that she exerts her best effort everytime she practices. Jisoo has a lot of pride and is very sensitive. She cries immediately and gets angry easily most of the time. What she does is go to a garden or rooftop, any peaceful place where she can relax and cry it all out. She has a lot of pride and that means she gets angry at herself when she fails to do things well. Jisoo is a kind-hearted and amiable girl. She loves to make friends and she loves to take care of the people she loves. Jisoo is also a sweet girl who shows love to her beloved people. She likes to back-hug the members and she sees them as her sisters. Jisoo is very hard-working. She always practices whenever there is time. She becomes serious when she is monitoring herself. Jisoo is usually playful and humorous as well. She likes to have fun with the members and she is also one of the most childish members. Her older brother, Infinite's Visual L treats her like she is still a baby and often spoils her and that is why Jisoo is a little childish and dependent. She tries to become responsible and independent like the other members of the group. Jisoo has an "Older brother complex" which means she loves her brother a lot and they are really close unlike other normal siblings who fight sometimes. Jisoo's role model is her own brother especially in acting. She looks up to him a lot and she likes to dance Infinite songs. You can just put a hat or mask on her and when she joins Infinite when performing it'll look like she is a member because she likes to dance boy-group songs and is a little boyish when dancing boy-group dances.

Jisoo is very ambitious and she works hard with her members so that they can win awards in the future. Jisoo can be so lazy sometimes that she doesn't want to do chores at night. When she's tired, usually after tiring hours of practices, she just goes home with her members, eat snacks, drink then just sleep right away. You won't see her usual bright and cheerful attitude when she's tired so she needs to charge and be energized again. Jisoo doesn't help cleaning at night but she is the member who is one of the "chefs" in Juliette. Sometimes, Jisoo gets really greedy when it is about snacks. She is not a meal-shikshin but a snack-shikshin because she loves snacks. Jisoo becomes so bossy and lazy when she's tired and that happens mostly at night. She would boss some of the members to get stuff like soda for her but the thing is that she asks nicely even though she's being bossy. Jisoo is short-tempered because of her sensitivity but she does not let it conquer her and usually just smiles and scolds rude people in a cute way. It's her way to control her anger and sensitivity. She gets really moody. Her mood changes according to her body condition. If she's tired then she'll be grumpy and complain about stuff. Jisoo normally is energetic in the day and usually tired at night. Jisoo is really stubborn so it will be hard for her members to convince or force her to do stuff unless she likes it or if she is interested in it. Jisoo are really scared of horror sounds and insects. She would immediately stand up when she sees an insect. It's like she has a phobia of insects now. Jisoo likes to play hidden cameras on special events and on birthday hidden cameras, she often makes her members cry at the end. Jisoo is a shopaholic and often buys a lot of things whenever she shops. When the members go to the supermarket, you would see Jisoo getting excited to buy snacks and drinks.  


— Music
— Makeup
— Skincare
— Fashion
— Acting
— Nail Art
— Accesories
— Mystery and Detective dramas, animes, mangas and movies
— Flowers
— Beautiful sceneries



— Milk
— Insects
— Heat
— Smell of spoiled food
— Wild Animals
— Large dogs
— Bad People
— Bullies



— Listening to music
— Shopping
— Learning about Makeup


— Eyesmiling
— Putting her hand under her head
— Biting her fingers
— Tapping her lips when thinking
— Mehrong 
— "Uwa" when she is amazed
— "Mwoya???!!!" (What???!!!)
—  Automatically singing or dancing along when she hears a song she knows



— Was the lead female in Infinite's "Last Romeo", GOT7's "A" and VIXX' "Eternity" and "Voodoo doll"
— The younger sister of Infinite's L
— A cameo in Ghost-seeing Detective drama and Lee Minho's younger sister in The heirs
— tHer twitter account is "@JuNityJewel94" (JuLess = Juliette + Eternity)
— She has a white puppy named "Cherry"
— Was seen watching "Get it Beauty: 2014" Live
— She carries this bag to school.
— This is Sujin's makeup bag
— Juliette's own skincare adviser and makeup artist at the dorm
— She is a "Fan-pabo" and loves the fans a lot.


Background— Jisoo was born in Seoul, South Korea. They lived in a large house and has enough and extra income thhanks to their parents. Their Dad is a businessman who has businesses all over the world and their Mom is in France. Their Mom is in France for her perfume brand but she  goes home every special occasion and never misses any of it. Jisoo hated that she can't see her Mom everyday. Myungsoo was the first one who got interested in singing and acting. He usually watches dramas and music shows. When he was sixteen, he told his parents that he is gonna audition at an Entertainment company and that is Woolim Entertainment. He passed it and started training there. Of course, Jisoo was really depressed and sad that she couldn't see her beloved brother who is very close to her. Myungsoo calls everyday to check on his family and he comes back every sunday to go visit them. Jisoo was watching anime when she accidentally sat on the remote after getting some snacks and drinks. The channel was Mnet and the show was M!Countdown. She was amazed by the idols she watched and started copying them. 

Jisoo started to learn different stuff online including singing, dancing, rapping, acting and makeup. She watched idols a lot and she loved Infinite, VIXX, Girl's Day and A-Pink the most. She was often teasing her brother about the pretty idol unnis her brother have met. Jisoo told her older brother on a phone call that she wants to be like them and so she also asked permission from her parents. Her Dad gave a sigh not because he doesn't want to let her train but he will miss his children truly. Jisoo jumped and smiled widely when her Dad nodded. She auditioned to JYP Entertainment. She danced mix popping and hip hop to "Bangarang". Myungsoo visited and supported Jisoo. Jisoo got in as well! She became friends with all of the members of Infinite when Myungsoo introduced her to s. Jisoo and Myungsoo wants to make their Mom come home. They want to be the ones providing income for the family so that their Mom and Dad can rest for awhile.


— father | Kim Junsoo | 52 | Businessman | Warm-hearted, Loving and Funny| Jisoo likes to help their Dad to think        of ideas for the businesses he has. Jisoo helped him pick concepts of products or shops. Their Dad loves to make          them laugh a lot.
— mother | Kim Jimin | 50 | Owner of Perfume Brand in France |Loving, Caring and anxious | Their Mom often               worries and panics a lot for them and Jisoo tries to calm her down when she is  worried. She gets a little paranoid.
— older brother | Kim Myungsoo/L | 22 | Infinite Member | Kind, Understanding and Sweet | L likes to spoil and              baby Jisoo like she is still a baby. He often goes to their dorm to check on her or give her snacks or food she misses     at home.

— younger brother | Kim Moonsoo | 22 | Student | Playful, Nice and Considerate


—best friend | Son Naeun | 20 | A-pink member 
—best friend | Shin Jiho/Xero | 20 | Topp Dogg member 
—best friend | Kim Yugyeom| 17 | GOT7 member 
—friend | Lee Hongbin | 21 | VIXX member 
—friend | Cha Hakyeon | 24 | VIXX member 
—friend| Bambam | 17 | GOT7 member 



Group— if she has one



Why they are rivals— nothing cliche like "oh she spilled coffee on me so I hate her because thay was like my favourite dress" kind of thing


Love Interest— Kunpimook Bhuwakul/Bambam

Age— 17

Group— GOT7

Personality— Bambam looks cute but he is actually a tough and manly guy inside. BamBam has a very friendly and nice personality. He is often seen smiling and is a very good dongsaeng to his hyungs. Bambam is very lively and warm-hearted. He's in change of the adorableness in GOT7. He is gentle and sweet to people around him. He is also helpful and obeys what the older members are saying. He can be hyperactive and he is also a humorous person. The most soft-hearted member of GOT7. Bambam is always kind and humble to everyone.

First Meeting— They were studying in the same school in high school. They were schoolmates. After eating, Bambam decided to go get some fresh air at the garden before studying. He saw a girl looking at a pink flower that he actually likes as well. He sat next to the girl which is Jisoo. Shocked, Jisoo turned to him and saw Bambam. "YAH! You shocked me! Ah sorry! Do you need something? Waeyo?" Jisoo was really shocked since she saw Bambam's shadow. "Aniyo, I was just gonna look at that flower too because I like that one too! I usually go here and take care of it. " Bambam explained himself and smiled widely. "Oh you mean this pink one? It's beautiful isn't it? It is starting to bloom!" Jisoo starts to become friends with him at this point. Since then, they went to the school's garden and bonded there. They took care of the flowers especially that pink one they both like. Jisoo was so happy to know that he debuted this 2014 and she went to support him in music shows. Bambam got excited about her debut as well.

Interactions— BamBam and Jisoo are always very cute together and they play around with each other specially when they see each other at the backstage of music shows. BamBam likes to play games with Jisoo if they get bored backstage. Bambam is very sweet and caring towards Jisoo. Jisoo is also sweet to Bambam and she's very friendly with him. They are really close to each other and L sometimes warns Bambam in a joking way. Jisoo likes to share cookies or pastries that she made with Got7. L likes that Bambam is taking care of Haera well. Bambam suddenly becomes jealous when Yugyeom (Haera's best-friend) is interacting with Jisoo cutely. BamBam tries to ignore them and the Got7 members especially JB always catches BamBam being jealous because of Yugyeom's closeness to Jisoo. The members of Got7 like to tease Jisoo and Bambam a lot.

Relationship— Friends

Back-up— VIXX' Hongbin

Love Rival— N/A



Personality— min. of 1 paragraph

First Meeting— not too cliche

Interactions— min. of 1 paragraph

Relationship status—


Stage Name— Jewel (because of her bright and cheerful personality)

Persona— The Charismatic Jewel

Position— Face of the Group, Dancer and Lead Vocalist (L Counterpart)
Singing twin—Bestie's Hyeyeon
Dancing twin—F(x)'s Krystal
Rapping twin—Sistar's Bora
Talking twin—Afterschool's Nana
Acting/Variety twin—Apink's naeun

Fanclub Name— Jewel(s)

Fanclub Colour— #ffcccc

Training Years— Four Years

Trainee Life— Jisoo was only thirteen when she wanted to be an idol like her brother. She auditioned at Woolim Entertainment so that she can see her brother a lot but before the audition, a JYP staff saw her dancing with her friends at the school grounds. They were scouted by JYP. Jisoo had a lot of friends when she was still a trainee but of course some still didn't like her and thought that she was just faking her kindness. Jisoo was bullied a few times in JYP Entertainment by some trainees who dislikes her. They and discriminated her. Those bullies told her that she just passed because of her face and her famous brother. She tries to fight the bullying with positivity but there was one time when she exploded and just cried. She called her brother right away after crying and let him know about happened. L was very furious and disappointed at those trainees who were discriminating Jisoo. Jisoo just confronted them once and just glared at them. Then she smiled brightly and waved at them. "I don't know why you are judging me or teasing me because of my brother or how I got accepted but please don't judge people easily and just practice well. Don't waste your time bullying me or other trainees arasseo? If you do it again, I might show you my hidden hapkido skills. I don't want to make trouble inside the company premises so please be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. Ppyong!" Jisoo scolded them a little and in a very cute way ever. She thinks that they are so immature wasting their time and bullying people and she is even more mature than them. Since then, she fought negativity and bullies with positivity and cheerfulness.

Pre-debut Experiences— 

— The girl in Infinite's "Last Romeo", GOT7's "A" , VIXX' "Voodoo Doll" and "Eternity"
— acted in Ghost-seeing Detective drama and in The Heirs
— Featured in VIXX' song "Stop Resisting"

Comments/Suggestions— Songs for tracklist: Girl's Day Cupid and Oh my god, Apink's Wishlist, So long and Secret Garden, Hellovenus' Venus, Secret My boy, Only U and Starlight Moonlight, Sistar Crying and Summer Timeand Nine Muses Action or Ticket.
For future comebacks: Apink's Mr. Chu or No No No, Girl's Day Don't Forget Me, Expectation. Female President or Something, Hellovenus What are you doing today or Do you want some tea?, Nine Muses News, Dolls, Gun or Glue, Girl's Generation MrMr, Secret I do I do and Poison, AOA Short Hair, Miniskirt, Get Out or Confused, Sistar Give it to me and Evol Get up

Scene Requests—

— Bambam confessing to Jisoo
— Jisoo scolding the members about their skincare
— Back-hug?
— Jisoo getting excited when going to the supermarket
— Jisoo putting natural makeup for her members for variety shows
— Juliette Diary! Weekly Idol! Running Man! We Got married!!! Afterschool Club!


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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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