episode 4 preview

I'm just a bit too excited when I watched the preview for Showtime Episode 4...


They're gonna show Yong doing his producing thingy in his studio. Beast is gonna be there too, making some lyrics (Doo and Dongwoon are writing the lyrics though, seems funny ) 


Also, Doo will be Yoon Producer when he'll show Beast's Japan dorm hehehe



You know, b2stizen is the fastest when it comes to subbing these previews so I suggest go take at look at them a few days after the broadcast of Showtime. 

And for the full episode of Showtime, try yuri minji for a fazt sub (but they won't sub the caption and all, they only sub what the boys are saying - just to feed my craving (that's what I think) )

well b2stizen and beautifulsubs are awesome subbers, very detailed. But they take some time to sub though~


So I'm just suggesting. Would've suggest b2stlysubs but they're not active (they would've been good subbers)


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