Park Jinhee - once upon a twist - Belle



once upon a twist


Username: Eyesmile-Jiyu

Character Name: Park, Jinhee

JinJin - her friends and people who knows her uses this nickname. It's a cute nickname given to her by her friends. From the "jin" in her name "Jinhee"

Angel - People call her this especially kids because of her kindness to people.

Birthdate: 16/ 04 / 94

Birthplace: Changwon, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Language(s): Korean (Fluent) & Learning English


changed into someone else


Plotline: Belle

Back-up: Ariel

Faceclaim + Gallery / Links: Girl's Day's Yura + Gallery

Back-up + Gallery / Links: Apink's Chorong + Gallery

Height: 167cm

Weight: 49kg

Appearance: ---

Style1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 


Do you recognise me?


- Music
- Candy
- Makeup
- Fashion
- Cute animals
- Babies
- Nail Art
- Flowers

- Bad People
- Smell of Spoiled Food
- Large dogs
- Cigarette
- Crimes

- Listening to music
- Shopping
- Eating
- Doing her nail art
- Sleeping

- Eyesmiles
- Pouting when sad
- Biting her fingers
- Tapping her lips when thinking

- Heights
- Insects

- She scolds the girls about skincare and she teaches them a lot.
- She was always hopeful and positive no matter what.
- She would always play with kids outside.
- Would give little gifts every now and then.
- Her favorite quote is "Smile and it'll be easier to solve your problems."
- Always has candies with her.
- She is one of the girls who are very strong and is always there for the other girls who needs a shoulder to lean on.
- She always does what she promises and will never break a promise unless it's impossible.

- A smile and positivity are her weapon.

Personality: Jinhee has a very buoyant and sweet personality. She would be always there for anyome she knows even those who aren't that close to her. She always smiles brightly at people and she thinks that your day will be better when you always smile. Jinhee is very loving and caring towards the people she loves. Jinhee is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She would smile at you and give you a candy when you first meet her. She could be talkative when she is having fun when talking with you. One of her flaws is being secretive. When she can't hide her feelings anymore when she is sad, she would go to a peaceful place and cry it all out. She was a depressed girl before because she missed her Father a lot. She has a lot of pride as well and she often ends up getting angry at herself whenever she failed to do something.

Jinhee whines everytime and can be a little childish. She wanted to become mature like Cinderella. Jinhee is very responsible and will take action first even in simple things like when one of the girls drops a thing, she'll be getting it quickly and will give it back with a smile. She was always fun-loving. Her heart being filled with kindness and consideration. She hated being a little clumsy and she tries to be more graceful. She is always playful and mischievous. Whenever she's down, she would smile but when she can't, she will hide and cry a little. She is very sensitive and so she may get angry or cry easily. Jinhee wants to become a person who can be there for people who she loves. She wants to be the shoulder to lean on instead of the one who is crying. Yes, Jinhee is selfless and puts others first before herself but she needs to love herself as well and that is what she lacks on. She is very humble, lovely and has a pure heart.  


tossed AWAy


Park Youngjin - Father - 52 - Merchant - Loving and warm-hearted - 9/10 Very close.

Park Suyeon - Older Sister - 26 - None - Selfish and Cold - 7/10 Not that close.
Park Haejin - Older Sister - 23 - Model - Sarcastic but Humorous - 8/10 Close.

Best Friend(s)
Park Chorong (Apink) - Cousin - 22 - Cashier in a cafe - Kind and Caring - 10/10
Shin Xero (Topp Dogg) - None - 20 - Student - Playful and Sweet - 10/10

All of the girls

Background: A wealthy merchant lives in a mansion with her three daughters. They are all very beautiful but only the youngest, Jinhee is the kindest. Her sisters were wicked and selfish but one is trying to be nice which is Haejin. Haejin has been spending a lot of time with Jinhee so they are close and Haejin finally tries to be a nice person. The merchant eventually loses his wealth in a tempest at sea. Now, they live in a smaller but comfortable house. The merchant hears that one of the trade ships he had sent off has arrived back. He wants to return to the city to discover whether it contains anything valuable. 

Before he leaves, he asks his daughters if they would like him to being any gifts back for them. The oldest, Suyeon asked for jewels and nice dresses. Haejin, only asked for great food and the youngest, Jinhee is satisfied with the promise of a rose since she loves flowers. The merchant become lost at a forest. Seeking shelter, he enters a dazzling palace. He finds tables inside laden with food and drink, which seem to have been left for him by the palace's invisible owner. The merchant accepts this gift and spends the night there. The next morning as the merchant is about to leave, he sees a rose garden and recalls that Jinhee had desired a rose. Upon picking the loveliest rose he can find, the merchant is confronted by a hideous "Beast", which tells him that for taking his most precious possession after accepting his hospitality, the merchant must die. The merchant begs to be set free, arguing that he had only picked the rose as a gift for his youngest daughter. The Beast agrees to let him give the rose to Jinhee, but only if the merchant will return.

The merchant is upset, but accepts this condition. The Beast sends him on his way, with jewels and fine clothes for his daughters, and stresses that Jinhee must never know about his deal. The merchant, upon arriving home, tries to hide the secret from Jinhee, but she pries it from him and willingly goes to the Beast's castle. The Beast receives her graciously and informs her that she is now mistress of the castle, and he is her servant. 

For several months, Jinhee lives a life of luxury at the Beast's palace, having every whim catered to by servants, with no end of riches to amuse her and an endless supply of exquisite finery to wear. Eventually she becomes homesick and begs the Beast to allow her to go see her family. He allows it on the condition that she return exactly a week later. 

Jinhee broke the Beast's curse and now they were supposed to be together but something mysterious happened to the girls. Jinhee is working part-time in a cafe to have more income for their family. She was puzzled when their happily ever afters turned into happily never after... 


love is a curse


Love interest: Vixx' Hongbin

Back-up: Topp Dogg's Xero

Nickname(s): Kong, Binnie

Birthdate: 29 / 09 / 93

Personality: He may be cold at first but he is actually very kind. It's hard for him to open up to people easily and also he is very shy at first. Hongbin is soft-spoken and speaks with a very humble and gentle voice. He can get really nervous and anxious. He might panic when the girl he likes is in front of him. A very warm-hearted and kind person. When you are already close with him, he tends to really smile a lot and he will become more friendly as you know him more. He will be always there for the people he cares about. He is very helpful and concerned about people. He appears as calm and gentle to people. 


He used to be very cold and now he is very calm and friendly. He shows him bright smile more now and that is thanks to Jinhee. Jinhee was the one who softened his cold heart before. He was a very rich guy and his parents doesn't care a bit about him as they care more about their work and businesses and Jinhee thought that it was his parents that made him cold and depressed.

He wanted his parents to be proud of him whenever he got a high grade in school when he was young. Hongbin lived alone with the maids and housekeepers in a large palace. He was depressed and sad that his parents aren't even there for his birthdays and when he met Jinhee, he began to change and became a better person.


happily never after


Comments: I like this concept a lot!!! <3

Suggestions: ---

Scene Requests: Beast/Hongbin finding Jinhee and gets jealous of Eric. Back-hug scene.

Password: JinRong (B1A4 Jinyoung & A-Pink's Chorong)



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