I'm watching Roommate!

I'm watching Roommate and I don't like most of the female cast.

The Lee SoRa (44 year old supermodel) is so naggy. She's just annoying. Everything is about her. She didn't even help bring her luggage that may be 20 bags. She had two of the guys do it for her and I'm sure SeHo (the comedian) was like 'what the '.

Hong SooHyun (actress) is so desperate. She went on the show and she wants a boyfriend. She gets jealous because her own roommate likes her crush who is 12 years younger than her.

Her roommate is Nana from After School. And honestly, I wasn't a fan of hers. I just thought she was really pretty. She is very materialistic and she's so blunt that it annoys me. She even had a delivery man bring her luggage to the house before getting there meaning someone will have to move it into the house for her.

Song GaYeon (MMA fighter) is the youngest and I like her. She's awkward and respectful. She listens well. She's roommates with Bom and the supermodel. She was willing to move all her belongings from where she settled when the supermodel wanted her side of the room, but in the end she was given the side. Still, she was willing to move everything.

Bom I have yet to see really, but I like her. She's shown me already how werid she is. So I only like the MMA fighter (also the maknae) and Bom.


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AzenZensation_0 #1
Exactly my thoughts also XD I mostly watch it for the MMA fighter (i need to find her name o.O), Bom, Dongwook (also don't know if i spelled that right o.O) and Chanyeol.
Bom is just hilarious. I love seeing her interactions with the camera lol