This EXO fan's got a point

Kris filing his lawsuit at the time he did is strategically smart.



Think about it. If he filed the lawsuit at a time where there were no promotions, SM would just sit there and stall. Filing the lawsuit at such a critical time with promotions and an upcoming concert puts pressure on SM to settle the case quickly or face heavy repercussions. The collateral damage that occurs can be mended. Fans and even the other EXO members need to understand this. This is not the end. Things can still be fixed if we do not blow things out of proportion. But the important factor is that Kris’s case gets heard and not swept under the rug.

As you can see SM is trying desperately to contact Kris. The more pressure that is put on SM, the more they will be forced to stop with the power struggle and listen to Kris’s terms.

As a fandom, we must be patient with Kris and with this situation

EXO fandom, just remain patient. It is a really sensitive situation with now. Just calm down and just accept whatever comes towards us.


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I never thought of it that way. I do feel that the time of this situation is a little inconvenient but it also makes sense. SM is forced to act now.
Yes, I definitely agree with this fan and I support his decision to act now. Hopefully he will also spur some change in treatment for the other sm groups.
Her point is right. I think that Kris is smart... but.. At least he should do it before the MVs were released or at lease after the MVs were released

Because this news will make the other members feel shock. Idk if this fanacc is real but some fans heard a loud shout from SM building last night and Tao was inside the building at that time :/