
I would just like to offer my two-cents on this situation on Wu Yifan leaving. 

Don't be sad, don't cry because it isn't the end of the world. Wu Yifan leaving might just be better for him. Think on the bright side! Don't allow what is happening ruin your life.

If you're not eating, eat.

If you're not sleeping, sleep.

If you're at a loss and not doing anything with your life, please don't. 

Harping on this matter will only make you more miserable. I've been there and done that. 

Distract yourself with life; hang out with your friends, do something you like, just anything that can keep your mind off the matter.

I, honestly, cried last night, when everything came crashing down, when Zitao was so devastated and the members so heartbroken they just needed time alone. But I received a text from my school friends, although they didn't know how I was feeling at that moment, they made me laugh with their funny antics and weird snapchats. 

At the end of the day, EXO will just be the people you loved from behind and they are still humans. Come will the time when they would split up and pursue other things, it is now just brought forward. Please stop discussing about the lawsuit, generating rumors, reading rumors or just simply reading up about it on news articles. There's nothing we can trust now and only time will tell. I will no longer mention anything about how i feel regarding this situation and I hope this will end smoothly, whether Wu Yifan leaves or not.

吴亦凡, 祝你好运。希望你能找到幸福, 也别在让自己承受一切的困难, 健康最重要。


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are you going to stop writing taoris and take a break or will you still write them from time to time? it's really sad how most "kris fanbase/fansites" are already closing down. sigh.
beazus #2
Tbh I want him to leave because he wants to leave. If he wants to stay then I want him to stay - simple as that

I cant really stomach reading posts about how awful it is for the 11 - makes me feel worse than I already do
To be honest, I cried...because it was so sudden but then again, why wouldn't it be?
IDK about people but in my observation, I think, Zitao was the most affected among EXO members...
There's several weibo update of him (he's siding on Kris) was deleted not long after he update it but thank god fans manage to screencap it...
I stop crying after I found out how devastate Zitao is, singing EXO song, not leaving SM building last night and all..
We dont know full story of both parties but, if Kris believe his decision is good for him, he should do it. He should put him and his health on top. I would like to beg him to at least tell to Zitao why he did this...
And if it turns out to be SM fault, I hope they realize and learn their mistake by now.
Whatever outcome, I wish all the best for Kris and EXO.
Stay strong EXO, Stay strong Kris, Stay strong EXO fans :)
thanks you inspired me. i no longer cry over this situation. i'll stay strong for our baby!
Thanks for making this post tbh I was so devo when everything seemed like it was crashing down, but being supportive of the boys no matter what happens together with the fandom helps so much more.
It's a very kind thought, you're such a lovely woman :)
I must admit I felt upset too, last night. But life must go on, and I believe all this happens for the best. Like Forrest Gump said, happens, and we can't really avoid it, so...yeah. Let's just keep supporting the boys until the very end! ^^
Whatever the result will be, I hope we all can stay as close as we all are right now. Fighting for all of us<3
Thanks for this, I cried as well and as devastating as it is, only time will tell! Let's just be positive and support or 12 together or not together! Btw your series were my favorite kids!au ♥
Silverstone #8
Well said, the world is never stagnant things always change some you have a degree of control over others you have none.
thankyou for voicing out- we think alike ehue.
i love you. kris can do what he wants.

friends are my best option right now-
would you like to be one of them?? ; ;