Explanations/excuses on my absence

Hi guys...?

Before you start throwing things at me for not updating, I swear one is coming up but only after the 8th of March ;a;

Excuses or not, I've been really busy with my life; catching up with friends after the Chinese New Year (in which i swear I spent all of it visiting/having people coming over to my house), shopping for presents (the amount of people I know whose birthday falls in February is ridiculous), going for birthday parties and basically life (I guess you'd know if you follow my twitter). On top of that, I've been suferring from a writer's block and I've tried reading back my stories but I ended up being all demoralized and deleting chapters that are halfway done. 

My english isn't that good, as you can see, and I've been reading works from rather good authors then looking back at my writing. It's sad but I've come to see the fact that my writing is not good - at all. After seeing that, I find myself being so concious of my writing; the style, grammar, vocabulary and whatnot and it's taken a toll on my will to write. Chapters aren't coming out smoothly and writing has become a chore for me (as much as I loved to write before).

I want to try my hands at drabbles first to improve (slowly) on my writing, hence I created a tumblr for a place to post my drabbles. I've been doing it for a while and hopefully my writer's block will start fading away. 

Applications: it's been a stressful 2013 for me and I'm proud to say that 2014 has made all the stress worth it; I got accepted into my first choice for the courses I've chosen. So from now till the 6th of March, I'll be busy with enrollment into my course of choice. Since I decided to enroll in an Aviation course, it requires a full medical check-up and health declaration together will a whole bunch of forms to fill, hence I'll have my work cut out for me. 

8th March, will then be my birthday. I'll be out the entire day so I can't be updating... Fingers crossed that I'll be able to churn out an update after.

With that...I guess you can start throwing things at me >< 


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