About the rumours surrounding "Kris leaving SM"

I'm tired of this "let's go to war with SM" . We don't know the full truth, yet we are spreading rumours about Baekhyun getting slapped, about the managers posting their SNS statuses. (The photo is just the manager holding their phones for EXO during the Miracles in December filming)


SM said to sue anyone who will spread malicious rumours. Why are you guys complaining about how unfair this is? Rumours will only hurt EXO and Kris. What if all of these turns out to be untrue? Do you have prove that these messages come from (inserts name)'s friend? SM is not trying to ruin EXO, they are trying to save EXO.


Please stop with the rumours before the blow the issue up and cause a lot of damage to EXO, Kris, and SM. The damage is done, you say, but it will get worse. You guys may think that SM is a bad company with all the slave contracts but do you know the full story? For all you know, "fan accounts" may be from anti-fans and not fans at all.


Why are you guys thanking sasaeng fans in this period? Yes they give you the information you want, in exchange for the privacy of your idols.


I'm not telling you to not support EXO, I'm just telling you to give them the support they need. Support Kris, EXO, or SM, I don't care. What I'm telling you is that if you choose to spread rumours, that starts from "(inserts name)'s friend says", or "fan accounts", then I'm telling you not to spread it and cause unneccesary chaos for EXO. I'm telling you not to tarnish SM's reputation as it will affect EXO. I know you are angry that SM seems to be hiding truth from you, or may mistreat their artists. I know you are angry that this isn't the first time it happens to SM, but don't trust malicious rumours over SM, I'm telling you that it will hurt other parties other than EXO.


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100% agreed on this c: