Why I re-read stories more than once?

Well, I re-read them because they are great, of course :)

HOWEVER, another reason is kinda funny...? xD

Sometimes, some part of whichever FF pops up my mind and then I just start to wonder "What FF it was?" and when I remember it I go and re-read it just because of THAT one part that popped up my mind xD

Good, isn't it? :D:D


Is it the same for you? Or am I just weird? xD


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That's sooo me!! XD
Pipi92 #2
Yup it's same for me, sometimes some part of ff which was really good pops in my head and I just have to read it again xD
I always get random parts of a chapter stuck in my head and I spend ages looking for the fanfiction and when I re-read it I remember just how cool it was the first time. You are not the only one haha ^^
Dana_1004 #4
Ja robim to iste a preto si pribehy davam do "labels"...ked mam chut tak si ich znova precitam!:-D
I re-read stories simply cause I like them :P At least you have a reason for re-reading them, since you suddenly start thinking bout them xD I sometimes just get bored and search up a random fic I like xD It's good at times cause I can skip the parts I want and still know what's happening xD