Wu Yi Fan

Everyone's probably already heard of the big controversy, huh?

If not, you should look it up....

or not. It'll kill you. 


All Kris wanted was change. He wanted to be treated right.

he wanted to be treated like a human. 

SM ent, that company treats their idols like puppets hanging on a thin white string, holding on, only for the sake of their fans.

And to those of you who crtiticize kpop, you dont know how hard these people work.

How hard they work to entertain this society.

But really, all Kris wanted was change. To be treated right.

EXO, and all kpop idols... actually all idols, they work their hardest.

To entertain us. To make us happy.

Kris only wanted his rights. But SM, they just completly flipped the situation making it seem like Kris is the cause of the whole controversy.


Wu Yi Fan, we love you. I, as a fan, will support you in anything you do.

Your choices & decisions... I have to admit, I'll miss you terribly much if you leave. But, if you're happy, I am too.

I mean its so unfair for idols to be treated this way. I believe you deserve better, and I believe you can make the best decision for yourself.


EXO.... they're a band I admire. And I mean, REALLY REALLY admire.

I remember having found out about them and being like, "Woah. These boys are talented as heck."

i watched them on variety shows and listened to more of their music and fell into deep love w/ them.

We as fans, cant be greedy. We want our idols to be happy too right?

We should support him. 

And I know, I know. I dont know the whole story of the problem and if you're going to say I'm looking at this whole thing "biasedly" then yeah. I guess I understand.

But idols are humans too.

They have rights.




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