[Rant] SMEnt, oh SMEnt

[Warning] The following post has content that may or may not coincide with your own views. If you base your opinions and thoughts about the issue on my point of view alone, you're an idiot (r_r). Once again, these are just my PERSONAL thoughts on the subject.


[RANT] hmmm ... well, first of all ... i wont be surprised if the blame arrows shifts from one party to the other. we're never going to know the REAL truth anyway  
Don't think otherwise. 
Really, don't.

Second of all, this isn't the first time something like this has happened involving SMEnt (r_r) and things like this will probably happen again and again in the future. I mean, come on! EVERYONE already knows how SME is! geez! dont act so surprised. 

Even if SME is the way it is, they still make money. They're still one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) money makers in kpop! 
Given that this type of situation has happened before and that they're still earning a whole lot after that, they probably don't care anymore at this point.
They're probably all like "meh. this again? just let him do what he wants. it's not like album sales, ticket sales or merch sales will go down significantly because of ONE member. we can just keep quiet and let the topic die down like we always do"
or "This person is not making sense. There are other idols like him who are under us, getting the SAME treatment, the SAME contract and SAME schedule but are not complaining. They're surviving so why can't THIS ONE just shut up?"

We can't deny that SME is a SUPERPOWER. They wont go down that easily. 
I'm not blaming anyone ... because I CAN'T blame anyone. There's just too many things to consider that it makes my head hurt so ... whatever.

Kris and the other idols who made a stand are admirable, dont get me wrong. Must've taken a lot of courage to do what they did. 


Maybe ... the only way the idols of SME can make a real statement is when they ALL like ... threaten to file lawsuits and leave the company or something!
or if ALL the fandoms of SM groups boycott all their sales.

I don't see any of that coming true tho (._.)




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