
Ok I just need to get this off my chest. I am a fan of these boys and it just breaks my heart to see what these boys are going through.

Reading about Kris wanting to nullify his contract was not something I was expecting first thing this morning. I just went on AllKpop to see if there were any news on Big Bang and WINNER and the first thing i see is about Kris. I could not believe it. I was confused. I read the article and the first thing i thought was why did he do this now? Right in the middle of their Overdose era, they have a concert they are preparing for and stuff. That was my first reaction but then i asked myself what made him do it right now and not after their concert and stuff. It must have been a good reason for him to do this. I then started reading articles about what the other members are doing and it hurt to hear them say 11 members. The rest of the members reactions could be their own actions or that of SM but I just don't know for sure. I do not know these boys well enough to know if what they wrote on their insta or weibo to be that of their own if it the work of SM. I can understand some peple saying that the members would never write the things that they wrote or Suho would never say that but how can we be for sure?

What i did not like reading in the comments were that some ppl were saying that other member were and also going through hard times so why could Kris not handle it also. Not everybody handles a situation the same way. They may be able to handle whatever was going on but someone else may not be able to.

All I know is that as fans we do not know exactly what has happened and what is happening (that can be very frustrating).We will never know the real truth unless we are told by the people involved.

I want to say much more but when i try to type it out, it just becomes all jumpbled together... -.-

I just hope that Kris and EXO are able to get through this. I may not be a huge fanatic fan of them but i do enjoy their music and watching them perform and being on shows (that sounds creepy but that what happens when you join the kpop world...).

It can be very confusing reading all the comments and it is VERY confusing for me as an international fan.

Man I think I am just going to not read allkpop and stuff for awhile.


SO... i'm bck urgh. i just feel really y right now. I feel so sad at the moment. I felt and stuff when i first heard this but i do not know why i feel really sad right now. I guess it must have to do with some of the comments i heard about kris. the comments were saying negative things about kris. I said i would stay away from sites but i broke that and read some up the recent comments on AllKpop. BIG MISTAKE!!!!

I am the type of person who unknwongly will put myself in a persons shoe so i can get a better understand. This is not good because physically i start to feel bad. I hate that i do this to myself unknowingly. For gosh sake i am feeling this way for someone who does not even know that i exist.

I need to seriously stay away from sites liek AllKpop for the next few days but I am so afraid I will be even more confused when I come bck in a few days.

Again I pray that Kris and the rest of the members will be ok. Bless their souls.


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My heart is breaking :( yeah I'm steering clear of sites right now unless it's an official statement from any party. Sometimes you don't know what to believe anymore.

I'm supposed to watch their concert in two weeks and I cannot fathom how THAT will play out.