Being lazy (to write) and last school days

Ugh, I know, I am really slow at updating at the moment (slow for my standards) but I am enjoying my last college/high school days with my friends at the moment and I am playing a lot fo Bravely Default, which consumes the most of my time atm XD

Anyways, I will update regularly from next week on again, probably, because I won't have school then for like... forever :'D I only have to go to school for my last oral tests and then for my graduation, which all will be in June^^


Sorry for the wait guys! I hope you can wait a few days more >.<

Since were are having motto week now, here I am as a mix between hipster and hippie XD (I am more on the hipster side though since I am dressing like a hipster like... everyday XD)

Love you all guys :* (Duckface forever!!111!!!1 XD Lol, please forgive the duckface XD)


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LOTS OF LUCK ON YOUR ORAL TEST!! :D Ace that ok?? and CONGRATS!! YOU'RE GRADUATING :D take lots of picture and show us ok?? :3 Love you as well :D
Lol. That duckface is pretty cute. Have fun with your friends. I envy your duckface XD
QStella #3
Have fun with ur friends, enjoy ;)
It's ok if u can't update a lot, that will keep the excitement to knw wt will happen next :D
Btw u look really adorable in ur pic hehe, cute n cool
Study hard for ur test , n gd luck too
flowerywinter #4
You're so pretty!!! And take your time to update, cut yourself some slack and have fun with the game!!!
Enjoy your last days of school! Make them last while you still can cx I hope you'll make good memories~! And your duckface is freaking adorable! If I was to make a duck face, a duck would probably die somewhere ;-; poor ducky ;-; anyways~~ don't worry about updating, but it would be nice to read a new chapter cx just.... Enjoy life at the moment cx we can wait longer for you~! Cx
Oh! Enjoy your last day with your friends! I,too am excited this year since this will be my last year in high school and I will be a graduating student! :D
Dude, enjoy your last days of high school, I dont want Agust to come 'cuse I'll start my Senior Year! )': I DONT WANT TO GROW UP. NOOOOOO!
wow! congrats on the very-soon graduation!! enjoy your last few days! :D
Nice to hear that you're having fun~ I understand author-nim!! You look beautiful as always ~>_<~ Fighting!!
No problem!! Enjoy your last day with your friends, and goodluck on your oral exam.
Ohh no more school *--* I envy you xD nah have fun xD the place where you took the photo looks so good ><
have fun! and enjoy your last days of your last year^^
I am going to graduate from high school this year too, but you are luckier since I'll have to stay in school until July OTL OTL i can't OTL

your duckface is cute, don't worry ;)
Just take your time,these are the last days of highschool and even if you don't feel like you'll miss them right now,you will in the future:)
Fighting!^^ and btw,your pic is really pretty;)