Donghae's Ring?

Just curious. Since when does he have a ring on his finger? I read in Sup3rjunior in twitter that one of the admins had noticed about the ring on his finger and it also caught my attention. I'm being suspicious about his ring. 



photo cr:


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Couple ring? o.O
Purity ring?
or just plain ring for fashion. xDD

I saw that ring before too... I was shocked I thought if anyone could have seen that. Nobody did until now .. :P
I heard something about that ring. I don't remember what about it. =.="


Okay, can somebody clear something for me.
What did his mom gave him? or was it his grandmother? & was it a necklace or ring? He said that he would never remove it because it special to him.

Yeah ... I'm lost now. =.="
Couple ring. Definitley. But, when did he get a couple ring and from who? Maybe he didn't notice that his ring would be in full view. Personally I think it's like a eunhae ring or something like that..^^ kekeke
For all we know, it could have been a purity ring.
I spent 4 hours looking at his face...
And then realized I was suppose to look at the ring
what is the meaning of this.?? *Toni G's voice* haha.. over... is that the ring I gave him..????? LOL peace... just curios also... Yesung to have a ring.. given by me... haha :)
it might be a ring given by a fan^^or mabye a eunhae/Haehyuk ring^^
o.0 oh no...maybe a couple ring? :)))'s on his left so...oh no >O< aisshhh.