Looking for nice stories to read

laziness alert. Aurgh. I'll be asking for help though.

Can someone recommend me really good fanfics? I think I've read almost all of EXO's best viewed fanfictions.

I hope someone can give me suggestion. 

Hmmn. Genre? Romcom is okay. So as drama and angst. 

Ohhhh. And supernatural/fantasy. Kkkkk. 

And not . :3 I only read KaiSoo and ChanBaek , just the classics tho. (eg. 10080, AT, Arbitrage, etc)

And also G-Tae will be fine. :)

So, uhhh. There.

I hope someone can help me. I'm a hopeless case. //3

Thank you!!! <3 <3


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Read my fics :3
a-m-a-t-e-u-r #2
pretty much everything i read is lol

if you haven't read absolute chanyeol/being human, read that (you'll have to find archived versions, though, because the original author took them down)
also zodiac -- , but it's an absolutely epic fantasy/adventure series, starting inkin-brushes.livejournal.com/55215.html
(all of the stuff in that journal is good)

there's a ton of stuff on livejournal that's really good
lunathunderhead is one of my favorites -- lots of au's, especially scifi/fantasy things (she also has the best shinee fic)
drainbamage954 has the best crackfics as well as the amazing models & music au and the blooming hearts au
material girl has to be my all time favorite cracky romantic fic though (it's in inkin_brushes)
canttakeabreath has some good stuff too

mrsgaemgyu.livejournal.com/3365.html is a pretty comprehensive listing of good exo fic, actually, if you don't want to search through journals or if you want specific pairings

and of course, you can't forget the classic "office antics", although you've probably already read that