▐ ↳ LADY LUCK ↔ Bang MiCha。


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                                                                       ( " HERE COMES THE AEGYO. "
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Talimanie : 7 : Kiki : 03
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meet your lady luck. 

Character Name: Bang MiCha / Mia Bang (German name)
Nickname(s): ChaCha (by her brother), Mimi (by her friends in Germany)
Birthday: 10 - 28 - 1995
Age: 18
Languages: German (fluent), Korean (fluent), English (fluent), French (basic)
Ethnicity: Korean / German
Hometown & Where you grew up: Seoul, South Korea (hometown), Cologne, Germany (where she grew up)
Height & Weight: 171cm & 58kg
Face Claim & Gallery: Eun
Back up claim & Gallery: Lee Dasom
Company Home: Big Hit Entertainment
Back Up Plotline: 04

Personality: MiCha is (of course) known for her aegyo. She debuted with her band in 2011, what means she was only 15 then. Being the maknae of the band made her get her image. She liked it, because she knew that she had a pretty adorable face. But now, at the age of 18 and being an adult, she doesn't want to be that cute girl anymore. She wants to be a y and beautiful idol that other girls get jealous of and that the boys chose as their ideal type. But it's not really working. It's her own fault on one hand, because she sometimes still acts very cute. At least she did that the past three years, so apparently she is pretty good at it.

But that young girl is not always cute and bubbly. She can be a little devil. MiCha has her own head and always has to get what she wants. She has her own humor which is sometimes pretty stupid and not even funny. But the girl loves her own jokes and laughs about them all the time. She is really ironic sometimes too and doesn't take most things in life to serious. MiCha has a lot of negative peronality points too: she is really sassy and sometimes y. She is outspoken. But after all she is really respectful in front of elders and always shows her good side. She doesn't like fighting with her friends and always tries to apologize quiekly if she did something wrong. She is better with words then with her fists.

Growing up with an older brother, MiCha has a big boyish side. She likes shooter video games and likes to prank other people - especially that older brother. The young girl doesn't like the typical girlish clothes. She rather wears jeans, high tops and hoodies. Because of that fact, MiCha doesn't get why people think she is so cute. But her fans think that she can be cute in every type of clothes. When she's around boys, MiCha cann be a little shy sometimes (especially when she likes those boys or thinks that they are good looking). She needs to know them better, before she can show her real personality.

Since she's a child, she loved soccer (most kids in Germany are in soccer teams) and she still likes to play it. MiCha is a pretty good dancer too, since she was an acrobat back in Germany and she can do splits and all that stuff.



monkeys - they are her favorite animals and she would love to have a pet monkey, but her manager doesn't allow her to keep one in the dorm.

- caffeine - MiCha is usually very sleepy and the caffeine in coke, tea and coffee helps her staying awake.

- naps - she actually needs one every day between 2 and 4 pm, but her schedule says NO.

- skinship - MiCha loves skinship, especially hugs.

- winter - it's her favorite season.

- video games - her favorites are Call of Duty and Far Cry 3

- YouTube - she loves that website and is a big fan of the YouTuber PewDiePie. (if you don't know him, here's a video)


- insects - she hates every typ of insects and that's the main reason why she doesn't like summer that much.

- folk music - worst. music. ever.

- cooking - MiCha is just really bad at it.

- summer - insects, sweating people, sunburns.

- dresses - she only wears them to special occasions, because she doesn't feel comfortable in them.

- feet - ugliest part of the human body.

- clowns - they scare her. A lot.


- is always late and can't be on time.

- jumps up and down when she is excited.

- laughs a lot when she is nervous.

- sweares a lot but tries to behave in front of cameras (which is not always working).

- does aegyo when she wants something.

- bites her nails when she is nervous.


- playing soccer

- dancing

- reading

- playing video games

- pranking other people


- Twitter: RealMicha95

- Instagram: RealMicha95

- YouTube: ItsBangMicha (does Vlogs and sometimes Covers)


- is in a girlgroup of 3 members under Big Hit Entertainment

- she is the lead vocalist, main dancer and maknae

- sings like APinks Namjoo, dances like f(x)s Luna

- her favorite bands are MBLAQ, BigBang, U-Kiss, B.A.P and 2NE1

- green is her favorite color

- is the second K-Pop idol ever being from Germany (first one was April Kiss' Sara)

- likes german food better then korean food

- has lactose intolerance and has to take pills before she eats or drinks something with milk in it

- likes to switch her hair colors

- her favorite subject in school was english

- has a lot of national pride

- did acrobatics for 2 years back in Germany

- her blood type is A+

- she likes everything that has to do with zombies (shows like The Walkings Dead, movies like Warm Bodies, etc.)

- her favorite book/movie series is Harry Potter, followed by The Hunger Games

- her favorite characters in Harry Potter are Fred & George and her favorite character in The Hunger Games is Finnick

- loves ear piercings

- can't lie to other people, because she always gets compunctions

- she was a trainee for only 9 months

- actually wanted to be an actress when she was younger

- she wore braces until she was 15 (got rid of them right before her debut)


♦ Pandora - her band (originally by Kara)

♦ Clap your Hands - her band (originally by 2NE1)

♦ Singing got better - Solo (originally by Ailee)

♦ I don't need a man - her band (originally by Miss A)

♦ Who you - G-Dragon Cover (Uploaded on her YouTube Channel)

♦ Everybody - SHINee Cover (Uploaded on her YouTube Channel)

♦ No No No - her band (originally by APink)


Just Dance 2 Nintendo Wii (2011)

• Anti Blemish Clinique Korea - with Lee Hyunwoo (2012)

• Fanta Idol Season 2 - with Teen Tops Niel and Lee Kwangsoo (2013)

• Play Etude -  with SHINee (2013)

Kolon Sport - with Exo (2014)


• Let's go Dream Team! Season 2 (1 Episode in 2012 - 2 Episodes in 2013)

• Running Man (2013)

• Idol Athletics (2012 - 2014)

• Immortal Song 2 (2014)

Music Video Appearences:

• JJ Project - Bounce (2012)

• Got7 - Girls Girls Girls (2014)

• Bangtan Boys - Boy in Luv (2014)


♦ Idol Bang MiCha revealed that her ideal type is B.A.Ps Zelo TRUE

♦ Bangtan Boys' J-Hope and Bang MiCha are deating FALSE (but they still got shipped by fans, haha)

♦ MiCha wants to bring out a solo album TRUE

Bang MiCha is crushing on Lee Hyunwoo TRUE (she denied it to the publicity... but then they started dating. Whoops)

MiCha is April Kiss Sara's Sister FALSE

Background: MiCha was born and grew up in Cologne, Germany. Her father is full korean while her mom is german/korean and lived her whole life in Germany. MiCha grew up pretty normal. She had friends who liked her the way she was, but there were always those kids who bullied her by saying mean stuff about asian people. She didn't really care though - she always told herself that those kids are just stupid and wouldn't make it far in their future life.

When MiCha was 11, her parents made the decision to move back to Seoul, Seouth Korea where MiCha's father is originally from. MiCha and her brother weren't enthusiastic about this idea, because they didn't want to leave their friends in Germany behind. But the decision was made and nagging wouldn't help anything. The family moved to Seoul, where they bought a small house which was enough for the family.

Three years later, MiCha was walking through gangnam one day. She saw a sign that said AUDITION FOR BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT. She thought auditioning would be fun and just did it. To her suprise the people there really liked her voice and wanted her to be a trainee. MiCha got really excited, although she had never planned starting a K-Pop career. She asked her parents for permission. They weren't convinced by that idea at the beginning but agreed after MiCha started begging. She started her trainee days when she was only 14. She made friends pretty quickly and liked the trainee life already. Because she was really talented and learned quickly, she was only a trainee for 9 months. She got into a girlgroup with two other girls which she already knew and was friends with. The band debuted in 2011, when MiCha was 15.


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                                                                       ( " WE'RE LIKE FRED & GEORGE FROM HARRY POTTER. "

★ Brother // Bang DongHyun // 21 // Student at Seoul National University
+ DongHyun and MiCha are very close. Like very very very close. They do everything together and take care of each other. But, like all siblings, they fight a lot too, which normally ends with pranks that they play on each other. They like to go to amusement parks or just play some video games together. MiCha tells DongHyun all her secrets and asks him for advice about dating and flirting, since he has more experience then her. He doesn't really want her to date yet, because she is still his baby sister, but when she falls in love, he won't be the one to stop her.


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                                                                       ( " HE IS THE HAPPIEST PERSON I KNOW."

Celebrity Friends/Acquiantances:

★ Best Friend // Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) // 20 // Idol - Bangtan Boys
+ (Can I pls cuddle him until he dies) Hoseok and MiCha first met when Hoseok became a trainee at Big Hit. MiCha has been in the company for a longer time, even though she is a year younger then him. In the beginning they didn't really like each other. MiCha thought that he was a weirdo and so she took her distance from him. They then talked a few times during pratcices and she quickly started liking him, because he has a really funny and bubbly personality. Hoseok and MiCha soon became best friends and they hang out nearly every day. Staff members call them 'the adorable couple' because they thought Hoseok and MiCha were dating in the beginning and they're both super cute and have a lot of aegyo. It became like a company gag but the friends don't really care about it. 



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                                                                       ( " HE IS SUCH AN IDIOT, I REALLY WANT TO HATE HIM. "

★ Close Friend // Hwang Kwanghee // 25 // Idol - ZE:A
+ These two have a love/hate realationship. They first met at a showcase where ZE:A and MiCha's band performed. One of MiCha's band members is a close friend from ZE:A's band member Kim Dongjun, so the bands hung out together. Kwanghee immediatly started talking to MiCha. At first she was very nice to him but soon he started making fun of her, because of how cute she looked and how young she was. She striked back with making fun of his plastic surgeries (yes, he really had them). They were fighting soon but they both know that it was all just for fun. Kwanghee and MiCha are friends since then, even though they have a age distance from 7 years. Still, they can't have a normal consersation without fighting and swearing at each other. Kwanghee wants her to call him Oppa, but she always refuses.



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                                                                       ( " BAMBAM IS LIKE MY BETTER HALF. "

★ Soulmate // Kunpimook Bhuwakul (BamBam) // 17 // Idol - Got7
+ MiCha and BamBam are like the same person. They are young, foreign idols, which don't want to be cuties anymore. They met when BamBam became an idol at JYP. MiCha was already famous back then and BamBam was a fan of her. They talked a lot and found out, that they had a lot in common. As the years passed by they became closer but also both got very unhappy with their current appearances. BamBam wants to be seen as attractive and y, just like MiCha. But they both can't just stop their aegyo. They understand each other and that is why they are so close.



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                                                                       ( " UNNIE, CAN I PLEASE STEAL YOUR LOOKS? "

★ Close Friend // Son Naeun // 20 // Idol - APink
+ Since their bands debuted in the same year, MiCha and Naeun became friends at a showcase. They liked each other immediatly and MiCha was amazed how pretty Naeun was. They don't see each other that often these days, but when they do they take their time for talking and doing some stuff together. They even planned on recording a song together when their companies let them.



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                                                                       ( " NAMJOON IS PROBABLY THE WORST DANCER ON THIS PLANET. "

point of interest. 

Love Interest: Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) - Bangtan Boys
Back up(s): Im Jaebum - Got7, Yoo Youngjae - B.A.P
Relationship: Close friend/Crush

Personality"It's Rap Monster not Dance Monster." Namjoon is Bangtans Leader, although he is not the oldest in the band. Born on September 12, 1994, he is a year older than MiCha. On one hand, he is the responsible Leader of BTS, on the other hand he is just another guy that got stuck in the age of 14 and likes to do stupid things with his band members. After Bangtans debut he was all badass, always wore sunglasses and tried hard to be a bad boy. But soon his real self overtook him and he showed who he really was: a normal guy with a big amount of stupidity.

The thing he is probably most proud about is his english. He taught it himself and speaks it fluently. People say, that when he speaks in english, he sounds like a black guy (which is totally true, haha). Because of his good language abilities he raps a lot in english too. Flawless english, flawless rapping, flawless good looks - does he even have flaws? Oh, yes. Yes, he does. Namjoon is known for his... special dancing skills. Okay, let's be honest: he is a really bad dancer. Probably the worst. But who needs to be a good dancer, when you're an amzing rapper, right? That's like Namjoons slogan.

Namjoons ideal type is a girl that is tall, has a nice voice and looks good in basic clothes like jeans, t-shirts and converse. Ohohoho, doesn't that sound a lot like MiCha to you? 171cm tall, Lead Vocalist, a boyish side, why she only wears basic clothes like that. Rap Monster doesn't give any more informations about his ideal type and doesn't name any names. The fandom is already freaking out and thinks about shipping names for MiCha and Namjoon (it will probably be MiJoon).

Interaction: Although MiCha debuted before Namjoon, he was in the company for a few months longer. They weren't friends from the beginning; not at all. They didn't really care about each other and only talked when it was necessary.

Then, in the beginning of 2014, something changed. MiCha was asked to act in Bangtans new MV Boy in Luv and she accepted that offer. That meant, that Namjoon and she had to talk more and should better become friends. Suddenly MiCha was excited about filming with him and wanted to know him better. He looked different and even acted different: he took of his sunglasses, dyed his hair blond and hadn't that bad boy image anymore. He seemed more sympathic now in MiCha's eyes.

After the shoot was done they kept talking and seeing each other and sone became friends. MiCha had the strange feeling, that she was starting crushing on Namjoon but she refuses to believe it until now. She keeps telling herself that she only likes him as a good friend like all the other BTS members, but deep down she knows that she is just lying to herself all the time.

Since she started crushing on Rap Monster, she became a little bit shy around him. MiCha is actually a really honest and outgoing, but she is always nervous and shy around boys she likes. She still talks to him because they are really good friends, but she is sometimes scared that he might find out that she is nervous around him. 


- he can't sing - only rap

- was a trainee for three year

- he is about 181cm tall

- is one of the worst dancers on this planet

- thinks he can't do aegyo but does it unconsciously sometimes

- used to be a bad boy (like the rest of Bangtan - but let's be honest: they never were really bad boys, they always were cute)

- speaks fluent english

- his lucky number is 1

- he supports homouall rights (HELL YEAH NAMJOON)

- breaks nearly everything he touches



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                                                                       ( " TALL BOYS ARE THE BEST BOYS. "

★ Ideal type // Choi Junhong (Zelo) // 17 // Idol - B.A.P
+ B.A.Ps Zelo is MiChas ideal typ of a man. He is tall, handsome, extremly talented and he has a sweet personality. What more could a girl ask for? But unfortunately is Zelo almost a year younger than MiCha, which makes things difficult for her. Her boyfriend needs to be an oppa, so she wouldn't date Zelo. They met a few times and the girl got a little bit nervous when he was around, but they had good conversations and she thinks he is really nice. 



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                                                                       ( " IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HATE A CUTIE LIKE HIM. "

★ Ex-Boyfriend/Friend // Lee Hyunwoo // 21 // Actor
+ They first met when they filmed the Clinique Korea Commercial together. MiCha thought that he was very good looking and therefore she was really shy around him. He comforted her and made her laugh with his sweet personality. That's when she felt in love with him, but she was too shy to ask him out. One day she got a phone call from him. He asked her to meet him at a park and she did so. At that park he confessed to her and asked her out. She was very suprised because she would have never thought, that he would feel the same as her. MiCha accepted gladly and they had a wonderful date. The two of them dated for 8 months but split up because they hadn't enough time for each other anymore. MiCha was busy with her band, Hyunwoo was busy with acting. They are still friends and hang around when they got the time to.



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                                                                       ( " LET ME LOVE YOU, JIYONGIE OPPA! "

★ Celebrity Crush // Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon) // 25 // Idol - BIGBANG
+ GD is the biggest celebrity crush MiCha ever had on someone. She is totally fangirling over him. He is not really her ideal type, but somehow she is just amazed by him. She never met him before but went to some of his concerts. MiCha thinks that he is the most talented and handsome man in the whole K-Pop world and wishes that she can meet him someday (+ she would aks him out when she was just a few years older).


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time to get personal. 

What would your reaction be when your love interest guests on the show:
It would be really nice to see him since we're friends. But I know what you guys are planning (/looks serious). You are going to get me in an embarassing situation, right? I am prepared. It's not going to happen (/naps fingers)... hopefully.

Do you think he will vote for you as most popular?: 
He better will (/joking, but tries to sound serious).

Another plotline(s) your character feels uncomfortable/awkward with and why:

I don't know... mabye plotline six. Don't get me wrong! She is so pretty and talented, I'm a little bit jealous of her (/looks down). I feel like a child when I'm around her.  

Plotline(s) you feel comfortable with and why: 
Plotline 5. We are both young and she is allways worried about her aegyo. We comfort each other because we're both impatient with ourselfs and our appearance. I sometimes try to teach her how to do aegyo by showing her mine. She could just take mine though. All of it. TAKE IT AND DON'T GIVE IT BACK TO ME. NEVER.

Assuming you are ranked as one of the losers (lowest popularity rank). How do you feel?:

I actually thought so. People rather rank the beautiful girls like plotline eight or six high. I'm a little bit sad but it's fine by me.


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this is finally the end. 

Anything else: Omg, I'm so sorry for all the grammar and spelling mistakes a probably made (stupid german girl). But I still hope you like my application. I worked really hard on it (almost two weeks to be exact). Btw, your story idea is really awesome! Most fanfics are about new girl groups (you know what I mean). So it's really nice to see something new and I like how you put Jaesuk, Woobin and Chanyeol into the story. I love those three! I think your story is well thought out and I will probably read it, even if you don't accept my character. But of course it would be nicer if MiCha was in the story.  

Scene/Mission Recommendations:
♦ A scene where Jaesuk wants MiCha to call him Oppa, but she purposely calls him Ahjussi (that would be so funny, hahaha)

♦ Maybe a little fight between the girls? Like about who is the most talented and popular one

♦ Namjoon is jealous of Zelo, because he is MiChas ideal type (ohohoho)

♦ An episode, where the whole group has a Running Man appearance (omg, that would be so great)



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profile credit - harlequin.


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