Update on Life IX: Bravely Default, New Story

It's been a while since I blogged.

To be honest, I stayed away from AFF after the whole plagiarization issue and only logged in to update and sometimes check messages and read comments and sometimes answer some stuff.

I am very busy as well at the moment so I barely have time for writing^^;;;


Though, next week my school year is officially over and then I will have my last part of my finals - the oral exams - and then I finished college/high school (yeah, German school system >.>) and then I will have more time until I leave for Thailand in July^^

Anyways, today I bought "Bravely Default" a Nintendo 3DS game from Square Enix and it belongs to the Final Fantasy franchise, and I wanted this game for so long already and I FINALLY GOT IT!!!!

I played Final Fantasy: Heroes of Light for the Nintendo DS a long while ago and I absolutely loved that game and Bravely Default is similar to Heroes of Light from the Gameplay.
But... I have to wait until tomorrow until I can play it because my sister took our 3DS with her as she went to her father on Friday OTL.

I am dying over here >.< I want to play it sooooo badly >.< XDDD


Back to the main point of the blog now XD

About the new story that I planned - Yes, I know, I should finish the other stories I already have first, but I need to write other stuff along my main stories as well, or else I will go nuts. Okay that was a joke, but I need to write other stories as well in order to not get bored with my main story, which is Two Moons at the moment.

For the new story, I thought of a ion/geisha - like AU but it is going to play in an alternate world, of course, and will contain a lot OCs as well and many of them will be the leads (yeaaah, harem story again, probably XD) and none of the Exo guys will be one of the main males but they will play important roles in the story.

Aaand they story will be rated M, which is somehow to be expected, aye :)


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hasegawa_asuka #1
i look forward to ur new story too. tbh, i am deadly busy lately as my boss will changed soon and i have sooo many thanks to handover to his next srcretary and the one succeed is too demanding..gosh, my lovely working days gone...

take your time to relax in germany before you go to Thailand. cheers Parisa.
Good luck on your exams. And Yay!!! Harem! Rated M too! Woo~!
Sorry for short comment one of my other author's best friend committed a suicide. So I don't know what to say. Plus the mood is different. So sorry.
Oh! Good luck on your finals Author-nim! :) And you play Final Fantasy? :) I used to play that game I think I was so young that time, but too bad I accidentally broke our play station. :< You're going in thailand? Where in exactly? Anyway, it's good to hear that you're going to make another story and I am excited for it. :>
FrrrAnikaFrrr #4
Omg, I remember when at school during German lesson we had to learn German school system... That was difficult (no offence) good luck on your oral‘s(?)!
Rima-chan #5
Good luck for your exams aauthor-nim :)
It sounds reeeeaaally interesting *0*
Can't wait to read it ♡
Ahh I want to play my 3ds again! I just received one for my bday a month ago and I bought yoshi new island myself and received one piece: romance dawn and pokemon y. I want to play them so bad, but I can't touch it until June, when I have finished my exams at the end of May. And I have only played yoshi so far OTL
but please tell me how the game is when you can finally play it! It sounds interesting
Another new story yeey! You know I love your OCs and the theme sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to it! Keep fighting! And good luck on your exams Parisa!!
A HUGE "FIIIIGGGHHHTTTIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!" to you, author-nim!!!!!
I'm going to read your new story!! >_< I'm so excited~
weird_fellaf #8
Good luck on your exams, Author-nim~ I'll check your new story soon~ I really want to play some games, too... But i will encounter quite a same story on your side... I'll do my exams soon enough too... So..., good luck for both of us, yeah? >v<

And i'll also hope that the plagiarizing issues will stop soon...

Keep healthy, Author-nim~ Don't push yourself too much! We readers will always support you! Fighting! >v<
I don't mind if you start a new story.Especially if it helps you focus.Good luck on your exams. ^^
yessssssssssss i'd like it very much
I love your OCs, and i think that this fandom has enough authors that write about exo, so it won't to write a story that hasn't them as main characters (aka the ones who get the girl), will it?

having said this, i think we all apreciate the "reated M" thingy ehehEH EHEHEH 8D
Ok,you should totally start the new story!I would read it!:)
I'm glad you got that game,if you wanted it so much^^
Good luck with your final exams and I'm sure you'll get good grades!:)
yume9111 #12
Omg I'm so excited about this future story already!!I love exo but ivlove your ocs just as much so it's not a problem for me wahaha! I saw that you updated two moons and black pearl lately I'm sorry I can't afford to read the latest updates for now because of classes and exams but will read them when I'll finally be free lol
Fighting for your exams too!
i'll be looking forward to it!! :D
haven't been able to catch up the other updated you did yet as i'm pretty busy voer here too with upcoming exams, internshipp and all, so i wrote more than read, but i'll definitely be looking forward to catch up and read this new story :D

Good luck with your last week and hope you'll great! :d