OK GUYS So On Thusday I went to the B.A.P concert in Melbourne and lemme tell you, IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!


OMG they did so much fan service.


It was all so good! I met so many BABYz and even met people who I KNEW, who were BABYz and I didn't even freaking know. 

Their talk was freaking amazing I mean their english was awesome. I remember Yongguk used a word that I didn't even know the meaning of...... ._. And they started singing Happy which was hilarious and then Zelo did that little star jump thingo. THEN Daehyun was all like 'I herrrd dere is an Island where we can meet PENGUINS!' (phillip island) and he started waddleing around like a penguin XD Then I heard a girl next to me be like 'we are going to phillip island tommorow' XD

The first song was ONE SHOT and it was amazing. The last one was Warrior and damn when the intro started it just got everyone hyped up.

I can NOT choose my favourite song because that is IMPOSSIBLE! They were so amazing.

Oh did I mention at one stage i got kicked out XD So I had an actual camera and we weren't allowed to take pictures (that didn't stop mehh) and so they took me outside to put the camera into the storage room XD I DIDNT MISS ANY SONGS THOUGH!! 


Oh and last but not least, I MADE EYE CONTACT WITH YOO YONGJAE!!! OMFG Like kill meh now. It was so awesome. omg omg omg omg omg omg And I got into one of Himchan's pictures as well :'D


ALL IN ALL it was a really good concert I mean it was amazing. The only down side I guess was the fact that the security guards were a little rude. Not the guards from the B.A.P crew but the guards at the venue. Yea.. 



Please note that most, not all, of these pictures are not mine. I had pictures but when I uploaded them to here, some got blurry. These are still from the Melbourne concert.


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It sounds awesome!

I can't wait until I can go to an actual concert, too!