B.A.P Concert Melbourne



Apart from the fact that the one person I wanted to did not look my way at all, and the one person I didn't expect to did at least FIVE TIMES (sis and I both agree it was right at us), the performance was absolutely brilliant!!! VIP tickets were so worth the money when we were so close the barrier and so close to the stage XD 

And I'm now a Youngjae fan :/ And officially a noona fan.... DAMN YOU ZELO!!!

He even leant closer with this GIANT smirk on his face as if to say

'HAHA, I'm right here and you could, BUT YOU CAN'T, touch me'!!!

Oh well, BEST ABSOLUTE PERFECT!!!! LITERALLY!!! Even though we had to fly over to Melbourne to see them, I will not regret it, and I am so glad my sister loves me enough to pay for me to go XD 

I don't even regret the ringing ear even though it's an absolute pain :(  The bass was beyond amazing! And even better was when Youngguk announced Warrior, and him just saying the word made the floor shake XD Although it is annoying I can't listen to anything without my ear playing up bad :/

Anyways, those are my best two photos of the night, having only managed to take 13 in total of the concert :( Kept getting distracted by participating XD Thanks for coming boys, and if/when you come back, we'll be waiting XD



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