Author Questions from -Tigress-

1. What is your favorite story of yours and why?

Ugh this is difficult for me! I love different stories for different reasons. To pick a few... The Weight of Souls is my baby, it has mystery and romance and I'm proud of how it's going, even if it is getting a little complicated.  As the Dust Falls is my first attempt at real angst and, yeah, I'm proud of it, sort of. Noodle Boy Next Door and Your Wish Is My Command are my uber fluffy oneshots and don't even ask how they happened (drugs were not involved). The Space Between Us gave me so much trouble, but I am immensely proud of how it turned out. So yeah...

But actually, if I had to pick a favorite it would probably be You Will Meet a Tall, Handsome Stranger because it was my first attempt at somethign different; something more reserved and atmospheric and I think for the most part it worked. it's only a short one and it's close to the end, but I'm happy with it.


2. What is your LEAST favorite of yours and why?

Easy; either White Flag because it's crap and fluffy and I just can't feel Myungjong so it failed, or Sometime Around Midnight because the resolution was too easy and Woohyun was too much of a for it to just work like that. yeah, I'm too lazy to extend a plot because the resolution is easy. (To be fair, it was already 9,000 words long).


3. What character of your writing do you most identitfy with?

The old me relates to the Sungyeol character in Fading Away for... obvious reasons. Nowadays, i think I'm more like my Sungyeol character in Dedication; I'm pretty happy and generally a bright person but I do, of course, have my insecurities!


4. What completed story did you have moments where you thought you would abandon it?

Completed story? Me?! You must be kidding. It's not that I will ever abandon a story - it's just that I take so much on so it's soooo slow. But no, never have I wanted to abandon anything except The Camera Catastrophe, which was plagued by Christmas and my cat dying and  just wasn't feeling the comedy.


5. When did you really get into writing?

I've always been a writer. I can't remember a time when I didn't read or write. I guess the best answer for this would be about 6 or 7 when I wrote a story in school about an ostrich and got to read it out in assembly in front of the school and I got a gold sticker from the headmaster. I thrive on praise ;D


6. Why did you start writing fanfiction?

2005. So I was like 11 or 12. I wrote Harry Potter fanfiction and then a few anime cropped up and I wrote about them until i was like 15 and stopped. The kpop fanfiction is relatively recent. I've been writing it for nearly 1 year, though I was only working on 2 projects before I posted them here; the start of Sungjong the Meddling Maknae and Dedication.


7. Who are your favorite published authors?

Mostly Young Adult authors actually. Kristin Cashore, Robin McKinley, Maria V. Snyder, Julie Kagawa, Rainbow Rowell, Stephanie Perkins... just to name a few!


8. What is your favorite genre to read? (both fanfics and published)

It actually differs. My favorite genre to read in books is usually dystopian, science fiction, paranormal (but no vampires or werewolves! I went through that stage in my early teens). In fanfiction I just adore fluff. Okay, I actually adore published fluffy contemporary books, but there's something about fanfiction (maybe it's the length) that makes me so happy to read fluff. If a fic gives me secondhand embarassment and makes me squee and blush and want to bang my head against the wall then it's a winner for me.


9. What is your favorite genre to write?

It's usually fluff, but these days I find myself being more driven to write things a little more insighful and atmospheric.


10. What drives you the most to continue writing?

How much I enjoy it, as well as comments and subscribers and upvotes which make me feel a little more appreciated. I'd still write if I didn't get these though because writing is my escape. I feel so much better when I'm absorbed in reading or writing a fic.


11. What pairing do you love to write? And what pairing can you not write??

I love writing both Myungyeol and Wooyeol because their dynamics are so malleable. I hate writing Sungjong with anyone, but especially myungjong. I don't believe in it so I can't write it. To be honest, I love trying out new pairings and seeing what I can do with their dynamics. I seriously can't understand people who stick to one pairing. I mean, a lot of them are great authors but there's a big joy to be had when you find a pairing that you wouldn't usually think of writing but then it just clicks. I had that with Wooya and Hogyu.


12. Do you have someone you see as your muse or inspiration?

Writing wise? It's actually an author - lirazel. She really is the type of author that I want to become. I mean, my writing will never be as amazing as hers but if I can be a fraction of that good then I will be immensely happy.


13. What aspect of your writing are you most comfortable in? (i.e. for me it's my scenes)

Urgh... nothing really! Not that I'm uncomfortable writing everything, it's just that there is nothing that stands out. Probably my crack and comedy. It just comes out even when I don't want it to... so yeah, filler scenes hehe! I use them a lot in Weight of Souls when I don't want to rush ahead that much because of the timing and the mystery. i stuff it will filler scenes instead.


14. And what aspect are you least comfortable in? (i.e. for me it's my dialogue)

. Always . I'm not uncomfortable writing it but it's definitely the part which I find a little harder than the others - though it is getting better. As well as this like... sleeping scenes. Where you can't just time jump but it's hard to talk about them tossing and turning in bed. And endings. I at endings.


15. Do you write outlines for your stories or just go with the flow of inspiration?

I never write outlines but I usually have a very general idea of whats going to happen and when. Usually it doesn't go to plan, or I get other ideas and then suddenly its a lot bigger than I expected. i can't stand plotting though; it makes me feel like I'm restricting myself.


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" I hate writing Sungjong with anyone, but especially myungjong."
i know this since like forever, but it still breaks my heart </3
i looove noodle boy next door!!! TvT