How Do I Stop Being a Sarcastic PRICK!?


Okay, seriously.

How the do you stop being a Sarcastic Prick?, growing up In such a Sarcastic Country and joining the community of the Internet people, and a website where's there's a lot of Sarcastic people. *coughtumblrcough*

I unintentionally gave the wrong messages In my comment, I was made a dumb sarcastic joke like I always do and someone got It, but the other person took It as rude and thought I was hating and I was like.





So I had to explain to her that I'm just a Prick and sorry about my comment and all, and ffs.....being Sarcastic really hurts and It's hard lmao, I can't.


Lmao, I'm such a hole. I can't communicate to Humans, they're so hard to speak too, dammit. Can I stop or Is this just like...forever apart of me?, should I made more Internet friends who are Sarcastic like me? (Already have a few lmaoo) I'm a bad person, why do I even.



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What's wrong with being sarcastic? ._.

Oh wait, everything, I forgot.
Being sarcastic is part of you so why change it. If people gets it then gets it, why tryna explain. But also being sarcastic depends on which level you take up to. Sometime it can be serious problem but still thats just part of you and being you shouldn't change no matter what.

I like to be sarcastic since i am always around those people. So its just group of people you choose to be with aswell.
I love the legolas gif XD Don't worry, sarcasm is a gift. I know people who can't be sarcastic even if their life depended on it :)
sarcasm and dark humor are beautiful
only uptight narrow minded people wont get it
i dont think you should change, just be more careful next time? haha
AriesScorpio18 #5
I don't think that you're a sarcastic prick.