♦ ' epicene ↷ { Jung Hyerin | Lee Hongbin }




♦ ' epicene

ST☆RLIGHT : Super Hero












"there's a crazy person inside of me"

Username : Eyesmile-jiyu
Activeness : 8-10
Nickname : Jini

"I will tell you all of the truth" 

Plotline : Super Hero

Name : Jung Hyerin

Nicknames :
↷ Rin {her friends call her with this nickname}
↷ Aegi {her older brother tends to spoil and baby her so he calls her like this.}
↷ Angel {The alien that was assigned to her calls her by this nickname because when he first met her, he thinks she was like an angel.}


DOB & Age : 970716 & 17

Ethnicity : Full Korean

Birthplace & Hometown : Gwangju, South Korea & Seoul, South Korea

Height : 168cm

Weight : 53kg & 18.78

Languages : Korean {Fluent} & English {Conversational & learning}

Bloodtype : B+

Style and appearance : Hyerin is a Makeup maniac and has 400 makeup and skincare products. She learned makeup on the internet and often watched beauty shows. She got so interested that she is like a professional now. She does her skincare routine strictly so that her skin is healthy. Her usual makeup is just natural but when there are events, she uses her gems and glitter makeups sometimes and puts some on her eyes. 

She loves to wear cute lacy tops and dresses as she loves laces. She usually wears shorts or skirts. She thinks that when she is wearing pants or jeans, she looks so mature which is opposite to her personality. She loves to wear pom pom beanies and sometimes snapback hats. Hyerin likes loose tops so that she can be comfortable. Usually those with cute designs and bling bling on them. She likes wearing cat or bunny head bands which compliments her cheerful attitude. 

She ties her hair into braids on one side only and sometimes she likes low ponytails on the side as well. She likes to put ribbons on her hair too! Hyerin likes to put her hair into a bun when it is hot. She loves putting on glitter nail polishes and creating designs with stickers. Hyerin has brown hair and she does not have any tatoo at all and she is afraid of it.

"Stop holding back, you're so pretty"

Ulzzang : Song Ahri

Pictures : Gallery

Back up ulzzang : Hong Heejung

Pictures : Gallery

"She slightly shines through her mask"

Key Traits: Innocent, Cheerful, Lazy, Optimistic, Attentive, Oblivious, Exuberant, Easy-going, Indecisive, Childish, Stubborn & Friendly

Personality :

↷Hyerin is like a macaroon which is very sweet and cute. She is like a child or a baby inside an adult's body. Hyerin is childish and acts like a baby most of time especially when she is with her older brother or her unnis. She always smiles at people and is very attentive. She pays close attention at things that she didn't know before and she is very clueless and oblivious to many things. She is a little slow on things and is a little silly so when her unnis are talking, you bet she will ask questions every second. She is very cheerful and exuberant that every person who sees her will smile everytime they see her. Hyerin is always positive and hopeful which she thinks that she got that from her older brother who has an optimistic aura.

Hyerin daydreams many times in a day and it is full of cute and beautiful fairytales or fantasies. Hyerin has a very amiable and bright aura. Hyerin is the maknae but she often lectures and scolds her unnis about skincare. She tells them to put masks when sleeping and apply serums so that their skin can be healthy and her scolding is just out of love because she cares for her unnis even if she is the youngest. Makeup and Skincare are the only things that makes her serious. Hyerin knows a lot about makeup and skincare but she is oblivious about many things in the world.  She never fell in love and never had a boyfriend since birth. She had some crush but she didn't experience love yet. She is confused about the idea of love.

Hyerin is very easy-going and can be a little lazy when doing chores. She is like a bunny and as cute as a puppy when her unnis once described her looks and personality. Hyerin is a little 4D and might do those cute and also weird hand gestures. She is always full of curiousity and often gasps at random things she didn't know before. Hyerin has a lot of natural aegyo and it comes out automatically so it is not annoying compared to intentional aegyo. Hyerin has a cute little aegyo voice when talking and it is like she is talking like a baby so her unnis pinch her cheeks a lot because of this. 

Hyerin is very indecisive especially when it is about picking flavors or types of food. It'll be so hard for her to pick one so her unnis always reccomend what is best for her. Hyerin is stubborn when it comes to doing chores every morning since she would be still be all sleepy when her unnis wake her up so it might be best for her to eat before doing anything. It is like charging Hyerin whenever you feed her. Hyerin usually bakes for her unnis and makes desserts for them like chocolates or parfait. She learned how to do that from her Mom who is a baker. Hyerin does not help at cooking but her unnis love her desserts and pastries. Every morning, Hyerin would be like a zombie walking out of her room with messy hair.  

Hyerin is very friendly and might just befriend even a stray kitty on the street. She is very considerate especially about her unnis and she cares for them a lot. She is very sweet and initiates automatic skinship with her unnis like back-hugging one of them. Hyerin never failed to make anyone smile with her natural cuteness and she likes to see people smiling. Hyerin is quite stubborn when you force her to do something that she doesn't like. Hyerin is a very polite and kind-hearted girl despite being childish and dependent. She acts mature and serious when she is needed to. Hyerin brings spring feeling to people because of her cheery and buoyant personality and people often says that Hyerin is like a flower which is just waiting to bloom.

Likes : 

↷ Music - Hyerin has a lot of songs on her phone and she always has earphones on her ears especially at home.
↷ Flowers - Hyerin loves flowers because they are very beautiful and she feels like she wants to take care of them.
↷ Makeup - Hyerin is a makeup maniac and has a lot of makeup products.
↷ Skincare - She strictly follows her skincare routine. 
↷ Food - Hyerin loves a lot of food and she loves food with cute design.

↷ Photography - Hyerin has a camera and she uses it to take pictures of sceneries and people.
↷ Baking - Hyerin learned it from her Mom and made some pastries for her unnis.



↷ Milk - She hates milk and may throw up when she tries it.
↷ Insects - Hyerin is a coward when it comes to insects.
↷ Bad People - She hates them with a burning passion.
↷ Wild animals - She is afraid of all of them.
↷ Smokes - Hyerin makes sure to not inhale smokes whenever she's outside.

Hobbies : 

↷ Listening to Music
↷ Watching beauty shows

↷ Baking
↷ Shopping



↷ Eyesmiling
↷ Biting her fingers when hungry

↷ Gasping
↷ Tapping her lips when thinking


↷ Heights - Hyerin has fear of heights and is scared when going upstairs but she doesn't have a problem when going down as long as she is holding onto the railing.
↷ Horror sounds - She can watch horror movies but she is so scared of the sound effects like a ghost crying in the movie.


↷ Hyerin likes to visit a flower shop and take pictures of flowers.
↷ She likes to drink soda or sparkling water than just boring water.
↷ Hyerin has a pet puppy named "Cherry".
This is the bag that she brings to school.
↷ Hyerin has a lot of cute accesories.

↷ She also does her own nail art.
↷ Hyerin is a snack shikshin. She is not a meal shikshin but she eats a lot of snacks.
↷ Hyerin loves lemon candy!


"Just say the name, i'll bring them to you"

Best Friend(s) :

Kim Chanmi (AOA) | 17 | Saleslady at Makeup section of Department Store | Friendly, Nice and Helpful | Chanmi and Hyerin are working at the same place which is the makeup section of a Department Store. They are best-friends since high school and can communicate without talking but they use eye contact or gestures. They are very close that they know when one of them has a problem.
Jeon Jeongguk (Bangtan) | 16 | Student | Kind, Gentleman and Funny |Hyerin gets along well with him since the first day they met. Jeongguk makes sure to always take care of Hyerin. 

Friends :

Park Chorong (A-Pink) | 23 | College Student/Her Mom owns the flower shop near Hyerin's house |Considerate, Loving and Blunt | Hyerin treats Chorong like she is her own unni like the other unnis she has. Chorong allows Hyerin to go inside the flower shop and take pictures of the flowers. She finds Hyerin very adorable and she is often the one suffering when Hyerin shoots non-stop questions at her.
Cha Hakyeon (VIXX) | 24 | College Student | Cheerful, Humorous and Talkative | Hakyeon is Hyerin's big brother from another planet. He always protects and looks after Hyerin and that is why he is like her second big brother. Hyerin learns a lot about other things from Hakyeon. He is the son of the neighbor living next to Hyerin and her family.
Kim Yeonhee (Amet of GP Basic) |18 | High School Student | Joyous, Sincere and Understanding | Yeonhee and Hyerin are from different classes but they got o the same high school. They got along easily. Hyerin saw her reading a book that she really likes as well so Hyerin approached Yeonhee and they talked a lot and became friends.

Rival : N/A

↷ name | age | occupation | 3+ personality traits | how you act together | anything important? | why?


"you're Like an incomplete picture"

Family :

↷ Father | Jung Hojoon | 51 | Businessman |Funny, Kind-hearted and loving | Hyerin is close to her father and he is always trying to make her laugh. Hyerin tries her best to help her Dad on his businesses. | Alive
↷ Mother | Jung Haesun | 49 | Baker | Caring, Thoughtful and Anxious | Hyerin's Mom takes care of her like she is somewhat a diamond. She always makes sure that Hyerin and her brother is always healthy. She can sometimes get too paranoid and anxious. Hyerin learned a lot about baking from her Mom. |

↷ Older Brother |  Jung Hoseok (J-Hope of Bangtan) | 20 | College Student |Optimistic, Over-Protective and Funny |Hyerin has an "Older Brother Complex" which means she loves her brother a lot and she depends on him most of the time. Hoseok would glare at guys at Hyerin's school whenever he accompanies Hyerin to school. Hyerin would just laugh at it. | Alive

Background : 

↷ Hyerin grew up being raised in a middle status family which means they're not rich and not poor as well, just in the middle. Hyerin grew up being a merry and jolly child who likes to play a lot with her friends. It wasn't hard for her to make friends since she is very friendly. Hyerin has been teased like normal kids and they often because of her brother. Why? Because they think Hyerin can't even protect or defend herself without the help of her brother but they were wrong. Hyerin shouted at them and told them to leave her and her brother alone. Hyerin cried when she went home after this. She was just seven years old at that time. 

Her Father works as a businessman and her Mother is a baker who works at a famous bakery. Hyerin wanted to help her Mom build a bakery of her own when she grows up. Till now, Hyerin still works hard to earn money to save just for extra money. Hyerin always wants to be mature when she is needed to and she admires her unnis for being mature and independent. Hyerin was not a smart girl but she was always doing her best in school. You can see her serious face at school as well. Hyerin is always accompanied by her older brother to school and Hoseok doesn't want her to go alone. He was scared that Hyerin would be bullied once again.

Hyerin was bullied when she was thirteen years old despite her friendly and happy attitude. One of her classmates called her a "Pabo". Hyerin was told by three girls to bring juice for them and she did thinking they will want to make friends with her now. Hyerin was trying to befriend every one of her classmates and those three were the only ones who didn't like her attitude. She brought the juices for them and after that they just drank it and didn't even say thank you to Hyerin. One of those girls poured her juice on Hyerin's head. Hyerin went closer to that girl before the girl poured the juice on her thinking that the girl would give the juice to her but she was really wrong. Hyerin cried and asked why they were doing this to her when she doesn't do anything bad to them.

Hyerin just forgave them now in her heart. She thought it was totally bad to hold a grudge on a person. She is still hurt and even became depressed when this happened. Hyerin just moved on and became cheerful once again. That is why Hoseok is always accompanying her to school and sometimes he does spy around the school before walking to his own school. 

Lifestyle : 

↷ Hyerin is living with her parents and her older brother in Seoul. Hyerin works as a saleslady of a makeup section at a Department Store in Seoul. She loves her job a lot since she loves makeup and her co-worker is none other than her bestfriend Chanmi who is also a saleslady there. Hyerin studies at a high school in Seoul which is a near their house. Hyerin dreams of making her own brand of makeup with the help of her Appa who is a businessman. Hyerin still works even though their Father made a lot of income now for their family. Hyerin loves to go to Chorong's flower shop and buy flowers, look at them or take pictures of them. She does help at the shop when she is free.

She loves to go and hang-out with her bestfriends and friends at the mall. Well, Hyerin is quite a shopaholic so they'll need to wait for her to finish shopping. Hyerin and her Mom experiments new recipes of pastries and then Hoseok would be the one who is gonna volunteer to try it. Hyerin is business-minded like her Dad so she would sell pastries, macaroons, cupcakes and many more to her classmates and schoolmates. She also likes to sell accesories and for now, before making her own brand of makeup, Hyerin has made her own online makeup shop where she sells her self-made makeup and makeup from different brands as well.

"On my knees, ready to get hurt"

Love Interest : Hongbin

Back-up love interest :Ken

Personality : Hongbin is the one who smiles the most among his brothers. He is soft-spoken and speaks with a very gentle voice. He is very warm-hearted and will always be there for a person he cares about. Hongbin is considerate and caring. He appears calm and gentle to people. He is very curious about the human race as much as how Hyerin is curious about many things in this world. He would feel nervous and shy if he would ever like a human and he would be very romantic to the human girl.

How you met : Hyerin was just walking near Chorong's Flower Shop when she bumped into a person. Hyerin bowed a little to the person and she had eye-contact with the person. Hyerin immediately smiled widely because she was lucky that the guy looked very kind and wasn't angry at her. Hongbin suddenly felt something in his heart and he put his hand on it (Dugeun Dugeun Sound Effects). Hyerin was still smiling when she noticed that the guy had his hand on his heart. Hyerin raised her arm and touched the guy's hand which was on his heart. "Wae? Do you have a heart problem? OMO! Eottokhe!!!???" Hyerin was panicking now.

Hongbin's heart beated even more faster when Hyerin touched his hand. Hongbin shook his head but Hyerin was not convinced that he is fine. Hyerin thought that Hongbin had heart problem so when she bumped him, she thought that Hongbin had a heart attack. "Ani. I'm okay. Ah... What is your name?" Hongbin stopped touching his heart and just held Hyerin's hand which surprised her a lot. "Jung Hyerin. Just call me Rin! And you?" Hyerin shook his hand and smiled again. "L-lee Hongbin imnida. Nice to meet you Rin-ah!" Hongbin smiled back at Hyerin and tried doing what Hyerin did with his hands. "Ahh... Do you want to come in for awhile?" Hyerin was gonna open the door but Hongbin did as well so they end up holding hands again. Hongbin was the one who opened it with Hyerin's hand under his.

They started to talk and it was Hongbin's first time to interact with a human and he really fell in love with Hyerin at their first meeting. Hyerin welcomed him inside and introduced him to Chorong. Hyerin started looking and taking pictures of the flowers. Hongbin was so curious and joined Hyerin looking at it. Hyerin saw that Hongbin was interested in flowers and photography so she taught Hongbin how to use it. They started to feel comfortable and got close to each other.


Relationship : Hyerin likes to spend time with Hongbin because she finds him very sweet and friendly. Hongbin started to pat her head for no reason and he often pinches her cheeks because of her cuteness. Hongbin always wants to be with Hyerin and has the feeling that he wants to protect her. Hyerin is oblivious to many things but she knows a lot more than Hongbin so she teaches him stuff he doesn't know. Hyerin loves to pat his shoulder and she feels really comfortable having him around. Hyerin now paid for shooting a lot of questions to people as now Hongbin ask her a lot. Hyerin becomes talkative when she is with Hongbin since he asks a lot and Hyerin loves talking with him. Hongbin is very sweet and caring towards Hyerin. 

Occupation Hongbin goes to the same school where Hyerin does. He works at a cafe across the Department Store so he can watch her. He follows her most of the time and Hyerin talks with him with hand gestures there. They go to the mall a lot with Hyerin's friends but Hongbin just follows along and Hyerin is the only one who knows that he is following. Hongbin is now also tasting the pastries with Hyerin's older brother Hoseok. They go to the flower shop together and now Hyerin bought a camera for Hongbin. He was so happy when he received it. Hyerin once tried putting some makeup on Hongbin and she thinks he looks good even more.


Trivia : 

↷ Hongbin started going to the Flower Shop with Hyerin and they took pictures of it together.
↷ Hongbin is secretly taking pictures of Hyerin everyday.
↷ Hongbin has the power of superhuman speed.

↷ He didn't like seeing stray cats dying on the street and he wanted to punish the owner of the car who did it to the kitty.
↷ Hongbin once killed a cockroach at Hyerin's room because Hyerin hates those creepy creatures.
↷ He liked cake when tasted it for the first time ever.
↷ Hongbin doesn't like rude people.
↷ He got afraid when Hyerin's family watched a horror movie.


"Call me when you're hurting"e 

The group : [ rank to state who you are closest to; lower the number, the closer you are to that person. Cross yours out. ]
               ↷ BODY : [ 4 ]
GR8U : [ 1 ]
CHAOS : [ 5 ]
SAY U SAY ME : [ 3 ]

What is your story? : My story is about a girl who is dependent and childish but she is full of sweetness and has a positive outlook in life. I am always trying to be mature so I won't be called a spoiled brat who always depends on her parents. I earn money as well for extra income and to prove people that even though I am innocent and oblivious, I am not a spoiled brat and I want to try being independent as well. I want to be a happy virus who can spread happiness to everyone in the world. I want to know a lot about things that I don't know.

How did you feel when you met your alien ? : I was happy and felt nervous because I thought he had a heart problem and that he had a heart attack because of me. He is so gentle and sweet to me that I felt comfortable talking to him. He was so curious about a lot of thigns so I want to teach him a lot now.

Do you find any of the alien members attractive? : All of them are? But Hongbin oppa is the best!

What do you think about the idea that they came to earth? : WOW! That was my reaction and I was not shocked at all but instead I was so happy I was able to meet an alien robot! Jinjja daebak! I just used to watch it on television!

Anything else? : Whatis their mission? Usualy the aliens I watch in movies or dramas have a mission why they went here!

"As much as i love you, music is important"

Comments :
      ↷ Annyeong Author-nim! I like you story idea and concept.
Ending :
     ↷ I want Hyerin and Hongbin to stay in our planet since he is more curious about many things than Hyerin and so Hyerin can teach him a lot and she can make him enjoy taking pictures of the beautiful world.
Suggestions : 
     ↷ I will be just a message away if you need some help Author-nim.

Scene requests :
     ↷ Hongbin secretly taking pictures of Hyerin.
↷ Hyerin buying clothes for Hongbin at the mall.
     ↷ Hyerin's no makeup face would be seen by Hongbin and Hyerin would panic and block her face but Hongbin would not care and will say that she is still beautiful.


"Lift my hands in surrender"

Password : Hongbin ☆ 


Back to the story





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