Dream [Warning SAD]

Hey guys I literally woke up not even five minutes ago. And I had the worst dream. So im at the old apartments we used to live in. And its just my brother, my dad, and me. Well its Christmas and everyone came to give us gifts. And my dad is on the phone telling her all the food tjat went bad. And I remember being impatient because I wanted to open my gifts. So I walk up to him and ask "when is mommy coming home, she's gonna miss gifts!" And he looked down at me with this look of sympathy and I just took off to my room. And I remember how it feels like to just sit there and cry and cry and scream for her. And then my dad comes in and says she wants to talk to me and hands over the phone. So I go to grab it and wake up. So I don't get any message, I don't even get to hear her voice. And now im just shaking lightly and my cjest feels so heavy I think im gonna cry but so far no tears :'( like what the was that ?! W-why didn't I get to see her you guys what does that dream mean? My body is telling me there is a meaning but im like refusing to even try and understand what it is. I don't know you guys im just really upset and thought I'd share. Tell me what you think down below and I'll respond and what not. Til the next one bye!


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Don't worry, the other day I woke up crying like a baby because I dreamt I had had a fight with both my mum and sis and they'd thrown me out of the house. I was like:"the only thing left to me is going to live in Israel" and I cried. Why Israel? I'd accidentally fell on a documentary on it while changing channels...
So maybe you just wanted to say something to your mum and wasn't able to which results in you having this awful dream... dreams just help you digest what your brain wasn't able to during the day so don't worry. I never believed in fortelling dreams. Try to get better, though sometimes they left us with a bitter taste, they're only drezms with absolutely no power iver our lives!
Bad dreams happen anytime, no need to be upset and frightened by it. You have to think positive, don't ever think something negative only because of bad dream, it'll make you nervous and scared. I knew how frightening it was to have nightmare about our family. But don't be scared... Everything is gonna be alright :)