Ultra-Wonderful-Super-Duper-Fantastic News!

I'M GRADUATING FROM COLLEGE ON FRIDAY!!!!!! WOO-HOO! PARTY TIME! Finally, after 4 years of essay after essay, I will graduate from college with a degree in English! Heck to the yes!

More good news: Because I have graduated/it's now summer vacation/I don't OFFICIALLY have a job yet, I have more time to write stories! Woo-hoo! I really want to write some more of 'The Wrong Princess' (and, since yesterday, 'When You Wish Upon a Star') and maybe some of 'Loophole' if I can figure out a good opening for it -.-

My friends have been helping me with some stories. One is an EXO story that's a fantasy theme and one is a reverse harem story featuring many many many many MANY different idols (the main ones at the moment are JB, Yongguk, Chanyeol, Leo, Insoo, and possibly BamBam). Sound fun?


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WOW! You're graduating from college?! I'm barely going to start college this year. I hope you had a great college experience and good luck on your stories (:
congratulations on your graduation!!!!