Poison Love | {Cha Jini}

Cha Jini
applicant. eyesmile-jiyu
active rate. 8-10
nickname. jiyu

plotline. the brains
Backup plotline The brawns
name. Cha Jini
nickname(s). Jinjin
Fake Name Rachel Kim
birthdate. august 16, 1995
Age: 19
birth place. Changwon, south korea
Hometown: seoul, south korea
ethnicity. full korean
Nationality: korean
~ Korean : fluent
~ english : conversational/learning
face claim: krystal
backup face claim: yoo ara
likes and Dislikes:
~ technology
~ Music
~ Makeup
~ FAshion
~ Accesories
~ beautiful sceneries
~ photography

~ milk
~ arrogant people
~ large dogs
~ blood
~ hospital
Strengths and Weakness:
~ technology
~ hacking
~ acting
~ spying
~ providing devices like bluetooth earpieces or tracking devices

~ heights
~ man-hater
~ fighting


Jini, her mother and her older brother Hakyeon was abandoned by their Father who went away without even saying anything to them that is why Jini grew up being a man-hater. She hated every guy except her older brother. Jini has an older brother complex and is very close to her older brother. Her older brother is actually an expert in technology. Their family runs a technology shop with many devices in it  which are all made by Jini and her brother. Their business wasn't enough to support all three of them so Jini wanted to  find a job so that she can support their family. She saw the leader of the team once outside of their house. The leader was amazed by her technology skills so she was asked to join the team.

Jini was new to the robbing so she was taught by the members just so she knows how it works. She knew her Mom and older brother was not gonna like her new job but she liked making techie stuff and she has been getting along with the members of the team so she just decided to stay. Her Mom agreed to it because they had no choice and needed money. Her older brother taught her more about technology so that she can do a lot more.


Jini is one of the dorkiest and smartest members of the group. She likes to play around sometimes with the members and make some jokes to make them laugh. Jini can make a lot of techie stuff and is very intelligent so she was qualified to be in the team. Jini is very kind-hearted and amiable. She is soft-spoken and speaks with a very gentle voice like that of an angel. Jini never gets tired of experimenting when making stuff and she invents a lot of great devices. Jini can be very lazy especially when she's tired. She won't be moving a lot and will just be a couch potato when she's tired. That is why she does not do house chores at night but she does every morning. Jini is sarcastic and you can totally tell it when she answers your questions. Don't make her do stuff involving guys because she will not agree and will sulk at you. She hates guys so she is really a man-hater and it started when her own Dad left them without a word. She is like allergic to guys. She glares at every one she sees except her beloved older brother and  her boyfriend Jiho. Her acting is the best and she uses it even in her daily life. 

Jini can really fool anyone with her acting skills. Once, she pretended that she was bumped by the girl walking towards her and so the girl was fooled by her acting so the girl treated her to a cafe! Jini is also blunt and very straight-forward as well. She can be a little naughty and might just eat while doing her job at the location where the team are doing an operation. Jini is really super dorky and she is also hyper at times when she is very happy. She is very sweet to her members and treats them like her very own sisters.

love interest
love interest. Topp dogg xero/jiho
Backup Love Interest:  Bangtan's jeongguk
age. 20
oCCUPATION:  technician
relationship. couple/dating
picture links:


Jiho is an easy-going person who is also very playful and mischievous. He likes to make jokes sometimes to make someone happy or just to lighten the atmosphere. He is really hard-working.  He is polite and has good manners. Jiho is affectionate about the people he loves. He is very enthusiastic and can get a little talkative. He is very soft-spoken and speaks with a very gentle voice. Jiho has a friendly aura so it is easy for him to make friends. He gets really nervous and anxious sometimes. Jiho is sincere and very thoughtful to the people who are close to him. He sometimes likes to show-off alot but he isn't that arrogant. He is actually shy but he just wants to show what he can do and he has passion for what he does. Very impatient. Tsk Tsk. Don't make him wait for a long time or you'll see him sleeping there. Jiho is a fun-loving person who cherishes the people he loves. he is always smiling at people. he is a really amiable and a nice person even though he doesn't know the person he is talking to. jiho can be a little too naughty sometimes that he would bother people. when he gets curious about a person, he will talk to the person and observe the person very well. he gets really curious a lot of times and his curiousity often gets the best of him. he is good-natured and warm-hearted. he would love to help anyone who is in need. he can be too playful or mischievous. he is a gentleman and would help girls like pulling the chair out for them and he is also kind to elders. he may stutter a lot in front of the girl he likes.


Jiho is actually interested and good in technology as well so he often came to Jini's technology shop. Jiho was looking at some things when Jini was cleaning the shop. Jini accidentally slipped on a wet part of the floor and was about to fall down the floor when Jiho quickly catched her. They were staring at each other and having an eye contact for a long time already. It was like time was stopped when they saw each other. Then finally Jini and Jiho stopped staring at each other, stood up and dusted off some dirt on their clothes. "Hi! Ah Jiho is my name and I l-like the stuff here..." Jiho scratched the back of his head shyly and he stuttered when talking to Jini. Jini chuckled and smiled at him. They were starting to get along well and both of them blushed while talking to each other.


Jiho would make reasons so he could go to the shop and see Jini as well. He would become nervous and say a random reason why he is there. Jini likes to treat Jiho because he is helping sometimes at the shop when Jini's older brother is not there to help her. Jiho would beg Jini to call him "oppa" since he is one year older than Jini and Jini would sometimes before doing so. Jini likes to play around with Jiho and experiment new technology with him. Jiho would pat her head for no reason sometimes. When Jiho makes jokes, Jini would hit him playfully on the arm when she laughs. She hits him slightly sometimes but it is just her habit. Jini smiles a lot especially when she is with Jiho.
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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