☢ WASTELAND ⋮ Cho Haeji.

✖  Cho Haeji
FULL NAME: Cho Haeji
GOES BY: Haeji
AGE: 19 
DATE OF BIRTH: May 02, 2258
HEIGHT: 168cm/5'5"
WEIGHT: 52kg/115lbs
FACE-CLAIM: Baek Sumin
Link to a gallery/source of pictures of them: Link
Link to a gallery/source of pictures of them: Link
ANY EXTRA APPEARENCE ASPECTS?: Tattoo of a cadeuceus on her wrist as a symbol for her family's business (they all have the same one)
BIOGRAPHY: Haeji was born into a family that had been part of the Followers of the Apocalypse for a very long time. Her family specialized in herbal medicine, so she had nearly unlimited information on the subject and she took to it naturally. Along with this came survival skills because she needed to go far out into dangerous lands at times to get the plants that they needed. Haeji also recieved a regular education as well, where she did very well. 
Eventually, their little business that they had set up had slowed down because of the newer redevelopments of the more technologically based medicine that had been showing up. After a while, they were running out of money, and didn't know what to do. That is, until they heard about the courier mission. Now, they never would have sent Haeji if they hadn't have full confidence that she would be able to make it perfectly fine. Considering that they did, they asked her to take the job.
PERSONALITY: Haeji is a natural peacemaker. She is very calm in all situations, and can easily see both sides of any argument and create a compromise that works for everyone. She is very kind and generous, always giving to others before taking for herself. This is hard on her when she doesn't have people she knows around her, because people with bad intentions can easily take advantage of her passive and giving nature and walk all over her. She tends to take a caring, motherly position among the group and people like to turn to her when they want to talk because she is great at listening.
Even though she hates being violent, Haeji can always tell where the thin line is crossed and she needs to take action. Mostly, this occurs when someone close to her is being threatened. You better hope you're not the one that set off this reaction, because when Haeji is mad, it's downright terrifying. She gets this cold, hard look in her eyes and you can tell that she won't hesitate to pounce (with her giant- war knife, mind you). Her faction has always been advocates of peace, but they are avare that violence is occasionally necesary in defense only. Because of this, Haeji was had been trained in such a way that she is an expert with her weapon of choice. 
WHAT FACTION DO THEY SUPPORT?: Followers of the Apocalypse
WHY DO THEY SUPPORT THIS FACTION?: Her family had been part of this faction nearly since it's founding and it goes along well with her personality
Strength: 6/10. 
Perception: 7/10
Endurance: 5/10
Charisma: 5/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Agility: 5/10
Luck: 4/10
Barter / Energy Weapons / Explosives / Guns / Lockpick / Medicine / Melee Weapons / Repair / Science / Sneak / Speech / Survival / Unarmed. 
WEAPONS:A machete because it can be used to defend and for survival purposes (optional: small handgun)

Username: calielle--
Nickname:  Simone
Notes/Comments/Questions: -
Suggestions: -
Activity Level: 7



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