note: i changed/edited the broken link, personality, family, background, and ex-boyfriend (in case you just wanted to see the changes rather than re-read the whole thing)




✧FULL NAME — Cho, Haeji
✧NICKNAME(S) — none
27/11 + 17

✧FACE CLAIM — Park Sora
✧BACK UP — Baek Sumin
✧MERMAID FORM — When in mermaid form, Haeji's eyes turn to a silvery-purple to match her tail (X X) and her shell bra has a lot of natural elements to it (imagine the main part is black-ish)
✧STYLE — Haeji likes to wear graphic tees and music shirts with brightly colored shorts and vans practically every day.

✧BIRTHSTONE — Yellow Topaz
✧QUOTE — "There are no secrets that time doesn't reveal" -Jean Racine
+Haeji is the kind of girl that knows what she wants and can figure out how to get it. She also prides herself on being independent and being able to do things for herself. And when she decides to do something, she won't give up on it no matter what. She is very smart and curious about everything, leading to a bit of an adventurous side. Even though she is quite intelligent, she is careless at times and that, mixing with her taste for adventure, definitely leads to some... interesting situations. Careless, in this case, applies to many things from forgetting or misplacing things that she needs, to not thinking things through fully, to not paying enough attention to where she is going and tripping over something in plain sight. A perfect example would be the time that she and Chanyeol so desperately wanted smoothies that they ran out of the house, forgetting her keys, and had the police called as the neighbors saw them trying to climb in through the window
When Haeji is meeting new people or ones she doesn't know well, she is friendly and polite. She never has any problems talking to or getting along with pretty much anyone. She gains many not-as-close friends and is pretty popular around the school because of how nice she is on first impression, but she doesn't often make real friends. Around her actual close friends, she jokes around a lot, occasionally making fun of them, but there is a mutual understanding that it is not meant for offense. Haeji always enjoys going out with her friends, close or not, and just hanging out on the weekends and having fun doing whatever ridiculous thing that they come up with. 
Unfortunately, Haeji really dislikes school. Not because of the typical teenager-y reasons, but because of her mother. Ever since Haeji told her mother that she knew that she wanted to go to college in Seoul for psychology (at age 6, by the way), she put an enormous amount of pressure on her to be nearly perfect. Of course, Nara didn't realize the toll it had on her daughter, she just wanted the best for her and did everything that she could to make her chances better. The ordeal had its positives and negatives, as does everything. On the positive side, it gave Haeji something to focus all of her energy on- getting into a good college- which she has worked on as her single goal in life since she was young because of this pressure. Of course, it also made her insecure about her abilities and slightly over-sensitive to criticism and judgement form others, as whenever she made a mistake or wasn't naturally good at something, she was punished.  She never told anyone about this weakness of hers because she didn't want anyone acting differently around her.
✧TRAITS  independent, smart, adventurous, determined, talkative

               ✧Mother — Cho Nara + 45 + 2  + Nara is strict, but with good intentions. She puts a bit too much pressure on Haeji to do well in everything that she does, so their relationship is strained and they argue a lot. However,  they do have their moments where they get along well and everything is fine. To be completely honest, this is normally during the summer where there is less to worry about success in.
               ✧Father— Cho Daejin + 48 + 4  +  Haeji and her father are very similar in personality, so they get along well. She normally goes to him for whenever she needs to talk about something that she needs another opinion on. Daejin also works with Haeji to compromise whenever she and her mother argue. He is very level-headed and usually finds a quick resolution that works for the both of them.
               ✧Brother — Cho Jongdo  + 13 + 3  +  Typical love-hate sibling relationship. Jongdo will do something dumb to annoy Haeji and she will do the same and the cycle repeats almost indefinitely and has practically since they were born. In the end they are always there for each other and they know it, no matter how much they "hate" each other at the moment. 

               ✧Best Friend— Park Chanyeol + 17 + 5 +  Crazy best friends for as long as they can remember.
               ✧Friend— Baek Minae + 17 + 4 +  They're the one that the other goes to for advice and girl time
               ✧Boyfriend— Kim Myungsoo + 18 + Varying? +  Used to be the couple that everyone envied, but slowly problems began to form

✧LOVE INTEREST — Park Chanyeol + EXO
✧PERSONALITY Chanyeol has an infectiously bright and happy personality that puts smiles on everyone's faces as soon as his crazy eye-twitch laughs makes an appearance. Although he is childish about 99% of the time, he has learned to be mature when he absolutely has to. He is quite popular, as he has an ability to make everyone like him.
Chanyeol is actually quite picky about who his actual friends are. Once he has decided that you are his friend, he will do anything and everything for you, also becomeing very protective. It takes a lot to make Chanyeol mad, but if you do, you should get out fast because he will get revenge on you no matter what it takes, especially if you hurt someone he loves.

✧HOW YOU METOn first day of preschool, two very similar kids showed up in the same classroom. And naturally, the first time they talked, they nearly started a fight. Haeji was talking about how her birthday was November 27, 1996, and Chanyeol overheard. Clearly, that couldn't be Haeji's birthday because it was his birthday. An argument ensued and the teacher had to run over and intercept a flying tackle. She suggested that they should be friends because their birthdays were the same instead of fighting about it, and the rest is history. 

✧RELATIONSHIP — From preschool until the beginning of sophomore year in high school, Haeji and Chanyeol were inseperable, always causing trouble together and being so close that they practically finished each others' sentences, . Once Haeji found out about her mermaid-ness, she began to shy away from him (as well as everyone else), but not to the point where they weren't still friends. Once she and Myungsoo broke up, they grew back to those crazy best friends, joined at the hip and closer than ever.

✧BACKGROUND — Haeji and Myungsoo had dated for 2 years. Everyone envied them as the "perfect couple" who never fought and everyone figured that they were getting married eventually. After a year together, Haeji discovered that she was a mermaid. Her logical side was totally thrown off, so for a little while she just ignored the fact that anything happened. The closest thing to explaining what she went through is the stages of grief- denial, anger, not so much bargaining, depression, but then acceptance. Naturally she didn't want to tell anyone, but that meant that she had to be very careful about her relationship. Over the next year, it got harder and harder to keep the secret and Myungsoo began to notice that something was off. Myungsoo, however, went another direction with his thoughts. He had always been wary of Haeji's close relationship with Chanyeol, and her growing flakiness made him jump to conclusions even though she had begun to shy away from him as well. He accused Haeji of cheating on him and broke things off. 


✧HOW + WHEN DOES HE (LOVE INTEREST) FIND OUT THAT SHE'S A MERMAID? — The two were hanging out by a little cave close to the ocean that they had found as kids. Chanyeol was trying to confess to Haeji, but she thought he was just joking with her, as they've been friends for so long. They started to argue and Haeji, being the clumsy person she is, made a bad step in her anger and started falling towards the water. And what an unfortunate time to find her power. She prepared herself to meet the water, but she found herself sitting on some odd substance. She remembered Chanyeol after a second and looked up to him, but that broke her concentration and she fell through into the water.

✧HOW DOES HE REACT? — At first, it was disbelief. Chanyeol suddenly had to deal with the fact that his best friend was a creature that supposedly didn't exist. After he regained his composure, he just walked away to think about it for a while. They didn't speak for an entire week, longer than ever in their entire lives. Haeji eventually gets frustrated with waiting and confronts him about it, then they make up and get together. Happy endings!

✧WHAT IS THE OUTCOME BETWEEN THE TWO? — They end up together as they both get into the same college

✧ANYTHING ELSE? — To be totally honest, I appreciate that you guys are so picky about the apps. Most people are just like "oh its good, whatever" and it was nice to see that there were things for me to fix
✧PASSWORD — so cute (not gifs, but i think the derps make up for it)

✧USERNAME — awesomeninja771
✧NICKNAME — Simone


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