Is it just me?

I don't know why but himchan reminds me of seungri a lot.

1.) seungri and himchan are probably the most underestimated in the group. Bc they usually have the least lines :(
2.) they are really close with the leader of the group. Banghim and nyongtory ;3
3.) they can be very confident with themselves, and they always try to look good looking XD
4.) their humor is similar. Like they are very... Uh emcee-like. Lol Wat am I saying?

Hahaha idk, himchan and seungri kind of act similar. *shrugs* I'm prob crazy XD


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I guess I would agree if you put it that way. When I think of Himchan with someone in Bigbang, I think TOP But I guess a mix of both Seungri and TOP. I think Jongup has fewer lines than Himchan usually though (sadly, cus he has a great voice). Personality wise, yes, Seungri n Himchan are very similar