99 Questions

Gotten from WushuDragon
why the hell notヽ(´ー`)┌

[1] Do you sleep with your closet door open or closed?

Doesn't matter to me, I'm asleep by then heh

[2] Do you take shampoos and conditioner bottle from hotels?

How will the next person wash the hair then if I did that?

[3] Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?


[4] Have you ever stolen a street sign before?


[5] Do you like to use post-it-notes?

Don't think I've ever really use them at all

[6] Do you ever cut out coupons but never use them?

Nobody has time for coupons

[7] Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?

Can it be the bear from the Big Blue House?

[8] Do you have freckles?


[9] Do you always smile for pictures?

Unless it's picture day at school where they tell me to then no or sometimes just a little

[10] What is your biggest pet peeve?

Umm, I have different pet peeves but I can't really think of one at the top of my head right now so, yeah~

[11] Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

No but sometimes I like to step in a certain way and watch the ground as I do

[12] Have you ever peed in the woods?


[13] Have you ever pooped in the woods?


[14] Do you ever dance even if there is no music playing?


[15] Do you chew your pens & pencils?


[16] How many people have you slept with this week?

Big fat 0

[17] What size is your bed?


[18] What is your song of the week?

"Love is More innovative" & "Living alone in the city" both by ℃-ute
"Don't be spiteful, but embrace me" by Juice=Juice
I have been listening to these songs and both groups a lot lately

[19] Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

Heck yeah!

[20] Do you still watch cartoons?

Heck yeah! I'll always be a Pokémon Master

[21] What is your least favorite moive?

Umm, I don't know at this current moment and time

[22] Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?

One piece Obviously...lol jk, never, though maybe Nillili Mambo so then Block B & I can go on awesome pirate adventure to refind it.

[23] What do you drink with dinner?

Depends on what I'm in the mood to drink: soda, juice, water, nothing, etc

[24] What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

Nugget biscut nugget in a biscut dip it in mash potatoes~
Naw but either barbaque sauce or ketchup

[25] What is your favorite food?

Umm, Italian I guess

[26] What movie(s) could you watch over & over again and still love?

Scott Pilgram Vs The World! & any anime movie that I've seen ever

[27] Last person you kissed/kissed you?

Depends on what type of kiss you're talking about here. If you mean from some type of lover then none at all but if we're talking family members here then I don't remember

[28] Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

Not gonna lie, I think there was a point and time in my childhood life where I though they were super cool but then after actually really finding out what they do I just though "No thanks"

[29] Would you ever strip or pose in a magazine?


[30] When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on a paper?

A school assingment maybe, I don't know

[31] Can you change the oil in a car?

No but I can fill it up :D

[32] Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Don't got a drivers lisences

[33] Ever ran out of gas?

Please look up at the answer above

[34] Favorite kind of sandwich?

I don't know

[35] Best thing to eat for breakfast?


[36] What is your usual bedtime?


[37] Are you lazy?

Shikamaru lazy: no
Me lazy: yes

[38] When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?

Cinderella, Cleopatra, Hannah Montana, Spy, etc

[39] What is your Chinese astrological sign?

I am Hatsuharu from Fruit Basket

[40] How many languages can you speak?

Fluent in English
Took Spanish for 2 years in middle school but failed the 2nd year
And dropped out of Chinese 2 last semester

[41] Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

God you can get subscriptions to anything these days....

[42] Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?

What the hell are lincoln logs

[43] Are you stubborn?

....Yeah, sometimes

[44] Who is better...Leno or Letterman?

Ichigo Kurosaki

[45] Ever watch soap operas?

When I was in Spanish in middle school we watched a parody soap operas...TACOS!

[46] Are you afraid of heights?

Yes, No, Maybe So

[47] Do you sing in the car?

From time to time

[48] Do you sing in the shower?

Not really but I may dance in there once in a blue moon

[49] Do you dance in the car?

Naw but I'll sing one in a blue moon

[50] Ever used a gun?


[51] Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?

Picture day? I don't know

[52] Do you think musicals are cheesy?

I have no problem with them, and they're fun to watch at times :3

[53] Is Christmas stressful?

Not for me

[54] Ever eat a pierogi?

I don't even know how to pronounce that word

[55] Favorite type of fruit pie?

Apple which is the only kind I've ever had

[56] Occupation(s) you wanted to be when you were a kid?

An Opera Singer though my 4th grade teacher said I needed to learn many languages so I just quit because that's just too much work for me, Firefighter, Spy, etc

[57] Do you believe in ghosts?


[58] Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

All the time, I could even be having the feeling right now!

[59] Take a vitamin daily?

Yeah but I forgot which one and are too lazy to get up and check which one it is

[60] Wear slippers?


[61] Wear a bath robe?


[62] What do you wear to bed?

Truefully a tank top & no pants

[63] First concert?

Demi Lavato

[64] Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?

First Wal-Mart, Second Target, & don'r think I've ever been in a K-Mart maybe once

[65] Nike or Adidas?

KenKen from Vixx

[66] Cheetos or Fritos?


[67] Peanuts or Sunflower Seeds?


[68] Ever heard of the group Tres Bien?

Umm, don't think so but I bet they're really good, haha, I got jokes~

[69] Ever take dance lessons?

Nope but in the first half of my freshman school year I was in dance club, and not to brag but I was one of the best in the club >u>

[70] Is there aprofession you picture your future spouse doing?

I'm gonna have a spouse?

[71] Can you curl your tongue?

I don't think so

[72] Ever won a spelling bee?

No but I did get good grades on my spelling test in the 1st grade

[73] Have you ever cried because you were so happy?


[74] Own any record albums?


[75] Own a record player?


[76] Regularly burn incense?


[77] Ever been in love?

Yeah...I've had crushes and such feelings as affection towards the opposite , and thing there are lots of cute guys out there...espicially the foreign ones >.>

[78] Who would you like to see in concert?


[79] What was the last concert you saw?

Please refer to question 63

[80] Hot tea or Cold tea?

Bubble Tea! Haha, naw but seriously, hot tea

[81] Tea or Coffee?

Coffee.Tastes.Terrible. Even when I tried it with sugar

[82] Sugar or Snickerdoodles?

I've never had snickerdoodles before

[83] Can you swim well?

Fun Fact/Story Time: When I was younger I got invited to a hotel sleepover birthday party and I didn't know how to swim. So because of that I had stayed in the not so deep end of the pool but the thing is I though the whole pool floor level was the same for some reason. So as I began to tread over to the right side of the pool for some reason I wasn't noticing that my head was getting lower and lower into the water and so finally I went under and started drowning but thankfully I some how made it over to the side of the pool on my own/with the help of some of the girls that noticed me drowning. For the rest of the time I spent it in the nice not deep hot tub. So after that incident when the summer came around I wanted to be able to swim so I taught my self at the local pool! And now I know how to swim but I mostly, and by mostly I mean like all the time, wear those big goggles that cover both your eyes and nose because I'm not goot at holding breath under water with nose...but I can open my eyes under water which is cool!

[84] Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

Explained up above

[85] Are you patient?

At times I can be

[86] DJ or Band at a wedding?


[87] Ever won a contest?

Don't think so

[88] Ever have plastic surgery?


[89] Which are better, Black or Green olives?

Never had either

[90] Can you knit or crochet?

Umm, yeahm though my knitting skills are most likely out of date and litte

[91] Best room for a fireplace?

Family room which is like a living room but not one, ya know what I mean?

[92] Do you want to get married?

Truefully the feeling is neutral

[93] If married, how long have you been married?


[94] Who was your highschool crush?

Currently in highschool still and there is no one who has really caught my attention

[95] Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?

When I was a kid yesh but now no

[96] Do you have kids?

....I'm not of the age to be getting pregnant

[97] Do you want kids?

Child birth seem like a very painfull thing to go through so I do not think I want to go through that and just might adopte or something but either way to have my own kids or to adopt I think I would want to have up to 3 kids atleast since my family is a family of 5 so I would want it to be the same way with my, theoretically speaking, future family too :)

[98] What is yor favorite color(s)?

Black, red, white, purple, pretty much dark colors

[99] Do you miss anyone right now?

At this current moment and time I do not


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