To Anyone Who's Bored And Up For Reviewing A Fic ~~~ Check this out!


Anyeoung! It's me again, Camille! <3

So guys, if anyone...and I mean, ANYONE...out there is interested in reviewing a fic of mine, I'd be really grateful if you could spare me a few moments and give me your constructive criticism. I've had this fic reviewed before but I also want more opinions because I really want to grow and develop as a writer. (If you've reviewed this fic of mine before, please feel free to ignore this blog post XD)

I don't have a format for you to follow and your version of 'review' is just fine with me. You can be formal, informal, short, long, harsh etc etc and I will definitely credit you as a reviewer and put up your review within my next chappies. You can give me a grade or you can just put your thoughts in a single message, depends on your preferences, because either way, please know that your opinions will be fully appreciated.


So without further is the fic I would like to ask you to review!




Title: An Infinitely Complicated Love Story

Genre: , school life, angst, , tragedy

Characters: Infinite (MAIN), Ze:A, 4Minute, Beast, DBSK, Boyfriend, Block B, TeenTop 

Author: kamiru_kpoplover19 (a.k.a Camille <3)

Chapters: 25 (so far)

Status: Ongoing

Others: This is divided into 3 main parts.

Short Summary of Plot:


Quiet and myserious Woohyun is hopelessly in love with our charismatic football captainSunggyu who is actually the best friend of our flirtatious council president, Hoya who is hiding a secret interest towards our innocent, trouble-making Dongwoo who is as you know the close friend of our choding Sungyeol who has an unrequited lovetowards our serious, intelligent Myungsoo who has been desperately in love with his childhood friend Sungjong who has fallen for our handsome council president Hoya.


Part I: WooGyu


Quiet and shy Woohyun has been in love with hottie football captain Sunggyu, one of his very few friends for almost 3 years now and they have a great relationship and get along well. There are two main problems with this particular situation though: (1) Gyu has a popular girlfriend named Hyuna and (2) Woohyun doesn't have any plans of confessing anytime soon, no matter how hard and difficult things may be.


Part II: MyungYeolJong


Cheerful and energetic Sungyeol finds himself unspeakably drawn to the school's straight-laced, high-maintenance student council vice-president, Kim Myungsoo. Myungsoo, on the other hand, seems to be harboring an obsessive unrequited love towards his childhood friend and cousin Lee Sungjong.


Part III: YaDongJong






....what are you waiting for? Give in to my stupid, moronic, desperate sales talk and read and review this fic as soon as you can. Just post the review on the comment section of the fic or all my wall so I can see it as soon as I can. XD


Thank you so much for being so AWESOME guys!!


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Viviolet #1
wow.who edited those pictures?I read your other blog about the unsubscription. I always see people on tv (especially project runway) to always edit- I think you should give every chap a dry run before you publish them just so you could see if there are any more things to edit. redundant words can really get annoying;'/ anyways, i'll be reading this fic and I hope it's good;)))))HWAITING!
@efestione: If I was looking for more praises, I would've asked you! LOLz. I'm asking random people so I can get more opinions. :P
oh oh oh! ^^ you already know my thought! ;)
<3 <3 <3
are you searching for more praises?? :P
xala-sshi #4
LOL sounds great! Go on~
The posters are wickedly awesome!
You made that yourself?
chasylclick #6
I just wanna say something about the title ^^
It's good and I can say that readers could be attracted to the title~~~
they will check it out. :)
I would love to review it,but I already did LOLxD