I Have A Question.

IM JUST WONDERING, if you binge (eat so much where you literally can't eat anymore) then purge (force yourself to puke it all back out), would you lose weight? Like will it help you lose weight? Ive always wondered ever since I read this fan fiction.. Can you?


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haneul-gateun #1
Binging and purging pretty much always ends up in the bulimic gaining weight. In friends of mine, it's rarely been productive and they only really lost weight by changing their lifestyle completely. Comparing my two friends when one was anorexic and the other was bulimic- the difference was vast. Whilst my anorexic friend looked almost skeletal, my bulimic friend looked normal/ healthy if not slightly larger. I think that's why bulimia goes unnoticed in a lot of cases- it doesn't show in the outer appearance of the sufferer. Bit of a ramble but simply to answer your question: no, it doesn't make you lose weight.
this isn't because of my story, isn't it...?
it's practically like having anorexia except not all of the calories are vomited out, in fact sometimes it does more damage than good. it won't make you lose fat but instead it will be water weight/muscle and you will just gain more weight when you eat normally again so please don't do it...
That's called bulimia and its an eating disorder and definitely not healthy. Please don't try it.