My Career.. My Dream..

When I grow up, I want to be a professional dancer. I love dancing. It's my passion, my favorite hobby, it keeps me busy, and it distracts me from the horrors of this ty world. Dancing just makes me feel so alive, so free! The only thing is.. My parents don't agree at all. They bring me down and often give me long lectures about how I'll never be successful, I'll end up on the streets, I won't make any money, I wouldn't be able to afford even a roof over my head, I have a one in a billion chance to actually succeed, it's pointless, it can never be a career, and much, much more.. So now I'm confused.. I don't know what to think anymore.. Should I just give up on my dream..?


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I have the same dream as you~ ^_^ I want to become a good dancer and inspire some people. My friends say I'm actually pretty good than what I think. haha I don't train much, but I do learn about dancing and stuff. I want to do something in the entertainment/music world.
How old are you exactly? If you're still young, don't fret too much. Things could still change either to your favor (wherein your parents will think otherwise and permit you eventually) or not. Just don't think negatively about it this early, hmm? Weigh out pros and cons--I'm sure there's a lot. Like "if I pursue dancing, what will my future be exactly?" or "if I do what my parents want me to do, can't I just accompany dancing with it?"

Don't be too depressed dear :)