[042214] FANACCOUNT - B.A.P LIVE ON EARTH 2014 in LA

First ever fanaccount! :> First concert ever! Won a free ticket and the seat was in Orch 1 Row N. It wasn't really bad at all. I still got a good view from the stage. :)




So I left Mexicali at 10am and we kinda arrived at the venue at 4:30pm (ofcourse we did a few stops). So when we arrived in the venue, I looked for Taylor (the one who made the ticket giveaway where I won) and I while I was looking for her someone caught my attention and it was her. Haha. Then everyone was getting confused by the unorganized line. Lol. While we are at the line this guy who will be watching a game in Staples (kings if I’m not mistaken) asked us who was the group having a concert and we said B.A.P then he showed us a picture then asked us again “Is this guy in that group or from another one?” and when he showed it I was like “No way! That’s Yonghwa!” then he told us that he saw him somewhere then they talked about something about sports. I’m pretty much jealous. Before that it was like half way line for the merch I heard someone in the line played “Overdose” by EXO. Then one girl walking around was wearing XIumin shirt. Lol. The line I’m in was for the First Sensibility albums (because the people I’m with ordered it so yeah). They were 4, the other two was separated with us and only one of them got High Touch. Both of them got Zelo photocard. TT^TT Both of them was disappointed because none of them got High Touch pass. So anyways, when we entered I was kind of nervous and excited to see them. Before we entered the Theater we went to restroom first (Nobody got time to go out for restroom in the middle of the concert!) and GAAAHHH! The restroom inside Nokia Theater was soooooo big! They got like two floors of it! Lol. Okay so when we entered the theater I was so shocked at how big the venue is! And I seriously don’t want to miss to take a picture of it even a crappy one! XD When we got at our seats I got shocked again at how near the stage looks but when the concert started it wasn’t the near.. TT^TT So when we took a seat we made some “friends” at this girl from behind us. This girl was with his father then her father talks a lot like how her daughter fangirls (lol) then I just told the girl 2ne1 is coming to Philippines and her bias is obviously… Sandara Park! She also love GDragon too! And her dad was telling us how she sings those Korean songs while she’s in the bathroom (lol). XD So when my seatmate was talking to her other seatmates I asked this girl and his father nationality his father said “She is half Filipino and half Vietnamese and I’m a pure Filipino.” And I’m like “Ohh~ I knew you were! I’m also a Filipino! We have a lot of common huh?” because we are both young (she’s 13 I’m 15, we both had our FIRST concert ever, we’re both Filipino don’t mind that she’s half Vietnamese as well. Her bias is Zelo too! A lot of commons seriously!). So after that her dad was telling he watched Sandara in PBB (after that I realized it was supposed to be Star Circle Quest, he got mixed up with Kim Chiu. Lol). And they told a lot of stories when they visited Philippines in 2011, there was a Kpop concert in Resorts World (if I’m not mistaken) and they were staying there too he asked her daughter if she like to watch it but she said no and now she regrets it! XD Her name is Leigha (pronounced as Lea or something like that)… Then everyone started to stand up when something like news was shown on the screen some people sat back down because they thought it was B.A.P already but then it showed something related to B.A.P that everyone started to stand up again. OTL Good thing the seats were not in the same level because I’ll be screwed. :P). Everyone started shouting. The concert started like 8:10 pm and ended at 10:10 pm. So yeah, it was a loooooong VCR. Then this opening that was sounds of guns shooting a glass it was the opening for One Shot. During the concert I think I’m the only one doing the fanchants on our side. One Shot followed by Badman which we knew it was Badman because of the flashlights they’re holding. XD Then Power (Good thing I know some of the fanchants for this songs). ¾ of the concert I got fancams. When B.A.P was talking I didn’t record some of it. When Jong Up was asking “Who wants this juice?” and I’m like shouting “MEEEE! JONG UP! I WANT ONE! NO! I NEED IT!” Hahahaha. Then when Zelo was teasing some fans at the pit if they want the starbucks Zelo was soooo cute sticking out his tongue to those fans. XD After the concert I met the girl who got Zelo’s. Which JUNG DAEHYUN DRANK BEFORE THEY GAVE IT AWAY! TT_____TT  When Zelo started to give it I started shouting “ZELO! GIVE ME THAT! I NEED ONE!” because seriously that’s what I forgot! WATER! And I kept shouting and I my throat starts to dry. T____T  After that Starbabys skit they performed Coffee Shop and after that me and Leigha started to look at each other and asked “Is this Body & Soul?” then when we recognized it… YEAH IT WAS BODY & SOULD AND I’M NOT READY! So I took a fancam of it but not a full one. T__T So when they were showing some quote things in the screen I didn’t pay too much attention since my back started to hurt so yeah.. I was dancing through Punch tho.. Hahaha. Almost every song that I know I was dancing as well while taking fancams and waving my glowstick. Lol. MULTI-TASKING! During Jong Up’s solo I kind of panic cause I DO REALLY NEED TO TAKE A VIDEO OF THAT ING OF HIS SHIRT. And luckily I got to take a video of it but HE DIDN’T FULLY TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT. But I was screaming crazily everytime he took out one of his clothes lol. And perfect song after Jong Up’s solo – Save me. Yeah. Literally save us from Jong Up’s abs. Please.  Then this VCR about the tutorial that will make our hormones… I forgot it sorry. And everyone was screaming at what the VCR says. Lol. Then two back-up dancers appeared with the horse masks. Why did I tell you it’s their back up dancers? Because they were wearing same clothes after that dance tutor for us. Okay so at first it was kind of awkward doing the steps but we got used to it and the VCR was like making us laugh too saying “You have to do it like with this face …. Not with this face…” and they were showing first Zelo and Youngjae with serious face and the next one with two happy faces of other members I think. Then during the Check On performance everyone was dancing to it. XD Even me. With my hand dancing and taking fancams. XD Got to do some fanchants during Spy. But some fanchants that I did was really really messed up because of my throat hurting so 80% of one part of  fanchant I can’t do the rest 20%. Lol.  I forgot what song it is but I think it was during Crash Himchan was at the right side (my side) then I saw him exit and I’m like “Why did he exited? WAIT! IS HE GOING TO GET HIS CAMERA?!” just then he appeared with his white camera and I started to open my fanboard and raise it as high as I can and I think he took a lot of picture at our side! And also during those song (Dancing in the Rain, Stop it, Crash) Daehyun and Jong Up was like the members who are always on our side. Zelo went to our side only for a few times. T^T When they were talking with us fans I was raising my fanboard as high as I can just to make B.A.P recognize it then when I looked at Yongguk I saw him looking at our side and I saw him SMILED at our side and I just thought MAYBE he saw my sign so yeah hoping they really saw it! When each member looks at our side they were smiling! So I’m really hoping that they did noticed my fanboard! Then when they performed Angel I started doing fanchants but when I’m about to scream “Moon Jong up! Choi Junhong! Cheonsa Daebak!” My throat hurt so much so I wasn’t able to shout my bias name! T____T Great. But I still continued doing the fanchants after that. Then they talked and Youngjae said to wait for them for 100 seconds and after the lights were off babys started to SERIOUSLY count 100 seconds, there was a countdown timer (but it looks like the one from YouTube) it started to count. But like half way of the counted it was like buffering we’re like “What the?!” I was sitting during the countdown cause body hurts so much. Then when they come back Yongguk asked us “What is our debut song?” then we shouted WARRIOR! Then they repeated it but “Waaaaarriooooor~ Hoooo!” like that. Then while they were performing I’m like “Please don’t end it like this.” Leigha told me they didn’t performed BABY or With You. And there was no chance of them performing it. They ended Warrior at past 10pm so there’s no chance. So before we left we took some pictures of the stage. Then we waited for my newly-met friends outside the venue. When we got at the place where we will be meeting, they were with someone that got a Starbucks! What hurt me a lot was it was the one from Zelo! T____T And DAEHYUN DRANK FROM IT! ////3 And she’s almost done drinking it when I saw her! T.T After the concert my whole body hurts, I’m not even hungry at all after the concert. I just wanted to rest. T_______T I just remember some things.. During Hurricane, Himchan’s part “the roof is on fire” he let us sing it! Kajfhdslfjhldkjds. Okay. Lol. Overall even if I’m busy spazzing, screaming, waving my glowstick, taking fancams, I still enjoyed it so much! :D So much that I really miss them now. OTL I need a time machine~ ///3



Yongguk – the leader who almost ruined my bias list because of his English. ;---; And not to mention his y hair. ;---; Plus when he was wearing the coat half only. Like half of it was at his back then the other was on his arms. Ohmygosh. He goes to every side of the stage equally (well maybe).. He went to our side but only for awhile. Okay next member!

Himchan – I don’t remember a lot for Himchan. But I only focused on him when he was on our side when he took his camera and took some photos on our side. But he really  is handsome! ;----; Wish he went to our side more often. ;---;

Daehyun – The guy who was mostly at our side. ;---; Idk why but I do think that I saw him really close. ;---; Or maybe that was from my fancam. Anyways, He waved like almost up to the Double-lettered seats. Lol. But I Daehyun, I’m proud of your English. :> When he said LA was their second home I really told myself I wish I lived in LA. But well, I’m from Mexicali/Philippines so yeah. I think… NO WAY. JUNG “CHEESECAKE” DAEHYUN GO AWAY! YOU’RE STARTING TO RUIN MY BIAS LIST WHILE THINKING ALL OF THESE NOW.

Youngjae – I only saw you a few times and everything was a blur now. T_____T Sorry Youngjae biased there. T____T But the only thing I can remember he went to our side a few times. ;--; Sorry Jae. But I really feel so sorry that when that girl approached us giving a few cards and I saw you still have lots of it I decided to get you. You’re lucky because  they don’t have Zelo anymore! :P OH! I remember that I saw your lip-biting during No Mercy! Jkdfhlkadskjfdk.

Jong Up – You little cutie oppa! TT_______TT Thank you for killing us with your solo performance + abs. Ohmygod. Even if you didn’t show it fully, I still screamed loudly. Lol. AND YOU’RE BEING TOO CUTE DURING THE TALK! TT______TT When you said In-n-out was yummy! ///3 That was my lunch! T_______T And thank you for coming to our side more often than my bias //3

Zelo – Idk anymore. T_____T You rarely went to my side. ///3 During Body & Soul I’m only focusing on you. ;--; I remember you doing crazy things when you went on our side. And during the last part of Crash I saw all your craziness. Lol. But don’t worry, even if I didn’t really saw you, you’re still my bias. :> I saw your y back too! I wish I got to see you when you were teasing everyone at Body & Soul perf. The English tho… ;----; I can’t remember anything now. T_____T WHY!? ///////3 When you asked us if we love you, OFCOURSE I DO LOVE YOU! AND THANK YOU FOR SAYING I LOVE YOU TOO even if it is for all of the babys. //3



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Pictures from the concert  --- https://www.facebook.com/sooyoung24/media_set?set=a.10200893716384894.1073741847.1824526985&type=3

Fancams playlist -- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR4rL3tPr27Gyc57BjBjlaKwkrIW7HknN

Still uplodaing some of my fancams. :)



Everything that I saw directly from my eyes in the concert was now a total blur in my mind. I can't remember anything now. T____T Maybe because of too much screaming that caused my head to hurt a lot. T______T Thankful to have some fancams. But I really can't remember almost 97% of the concert. TT^TT But I do still remember when the boys were in the middle of the stage and I was raising my fanboard and they were looking at our side and smiling.


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