~ღ❃Princess Legacy ❃ღ ~ { Hwang Sujin/Nicole Hwang, The Stubborn One }

Nicole Hwang
| Eyesmile-Jiyu | Jiyu | 9-10 |

Birth name - Hwang Sujin
Other names - Nicolette Hwang
Nicknames -
JinJin ; This the cute nickname that her members use
Nicorii ; This is the cute version of her English name and her friends and the fans mostly use this.
Pabo Jin ; Her members call her like this when she's being silly and oblivious
Date of birth - August 16, 1995
Age - 20
Birthplace - Vancouver, Canada
Hometown - Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity - Half-Korean and Half-Canadian
Languages - 

~ Korean (fluent)
~ English (fluent)


It was new for the Canadian Royal Family to have Nicole who is
Half-Korean and Half-Canadian. The royal family had a meeting about it when they knew that one of the daughters of the Queen was pregnant and the Father was Korean. They had a long meeting that lasted for some hours whether they want to take in the child or not. The Queen and the King scolded their other off-springs who thought of not accepting the child. They all came to think of it and thought that their opinions were harsh for the innocent baby inside the tummy of the Princess. Their hearts were touched when the Korean Father of the baby kneeled in front of them and begged them to accept the poor baby. The Father was crying and so the King and the Queen smiled at him and decided to take in the baby to be a part of the royal family. 

Nicole was that baby inside of her Mom's tummy. She grew up having private lessons about being a princess in her room. Her Grandmother, The Queen always have fun teaching Nicole a lot of things. Nicole began to love the royal family members because they loved her even though she was Half-Canadian only. Nicole learned a lot about the royal palace and was really close to her grandparents, The King and Queen of Canada. Nicole grew up in Canada and lived there for thirteen years. She had many friends in her school since she is very talkative and nice. Nicole was often teased because she was different so she gets into fights a lot. Not the physical fight but she shouts loudly at them. Once she can't control her temper, she kicked a student who was teasing her. Nicole was so happy to find out that their neighbors are Korean as well. She went to the house next to theirs and made friends with the family. Their neighbor was actually EXO Kris' family so that is why Nicole is close to him. Kris treated Nicole like his own baby sister. He was so shocked to find out that she was a Princess. Nicole moved back to Korea when she was fourteen. They now live at a large mansion in Seoul. Her Dad is now a famous businessman and her Mom is the owner and Chef of a restaurant. She had a very hard time saying goodbye to her beloved family in Canada and the place where she grew up.

Personality : Nicole is a girl who has a lot of passion for things that she likes to do. Nicole is very passionate. She has a powerful passion and will do anything to get what she wants. Nicole is one of the silly and childish members of the group. She can get really clueless and stupid sometimes. Like when her members are talking about stuff she doesn't know, she will just stay still with a puzzled expression on her face. She is very smart when it comes to makeup. Nicole learned makeup from the internet and beauty shows in Korea when she moved back to Korea. Nicole is very clumsy and may accidentally bump some stuff at the dorm. Nicole is very STUBBORN. You won't be able to change her mind or force her to do something easily unless she is interested. She would shout "Shireo! Shireoyo!" when she is being forced. Nicole is an amiable and kind-hearted Princess and she got it from her Mom. Nicole can get lazy when she's tired so she doesn't do household chores at the dorm when it's night time. 

Nicole is very straight-forward and honest so she just says whatever goes on her mind. Nicole is really short-tempered and sensitive so you may want to run now before she explodes in anger and glare at you. Nicole doesn't want anyone to see her cry. She's sensitive so she gets affected and get angry easily. She is easy-going and has a very friendly attitude. Nicole is so innocent and naive as well. She can get sarcastic when she talks sometimes. Known as one of the most talkative members. Nicole is one of the most humorous members of the group and she often makes jokes or imitate other people. She is the one planning hidden cameras for the members' birthdays or any special events. Nicole is the "Charismatic Princess" of the group and she turns into a charismatic and full of swag performer on-stage.  

Likes :

❄  Music

❄  Popping

❄ Snacks

❄ Beautiful Sceneries

❄ Photography

❄ Detective and Mystery Dramas, Mangas and Animes

❄ Baby Pink Color

❄ Flowers

Dislikes :

❄  Milk

❄  Insects

❄  Bad People

❄ Crimes

❄  War

❄ Large dogs

Hobbies :

❄  Listening to Music

❄  Shopping

❄  Playing games on her ipad

❄ Playing Tennis

Habits :

❄  Eyesmiles

❄  Pouting (refer to pic above)

❄  Biting fingers

❄  Tapping her lips when thinking

❄ Move along to the beat when she hears a song she knows

Fears : 

❄ Heights (She is very afraid of high and wide stairs. She can go down the stairs well while holding onto the railing but not when coming upstairs.)

❄ Insects (She will shout loudly if she sees one and will quickly stand up. She has a phobia of insects.)

Trivia :

❄ Nicole loves to be the makeup artist of her members 

❄ She never do chores when she's tired so she usually cleans in the morning after taking a bath because she has a lot of energy so she helps at the dorm at this time.

❄ Nicole has a white puppy named "Cherry"

❄ Nicole usually wears this crown necklace from her parents.

❄ Nicole always wear a bracelet-ring.

❄ The baker of the group since she likes baking for her members


............... {} ...............
You're so beautiful

Face Claim: Yura (Girl's Day)

Gallery: 1

Backup Face Claim: Chorong (Apink)

Gallery: 1

Weight: 47kg

Height: 167cm

Style: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Anything Extra: ---

Ideal type; VIXX' Hongbin

............... {} ...............


Stay with me my love

love interest : Xero (Topp Dogg)

birthdate & age: 




relationship & interaction:

first meeting: 

any other relations? : 



Love rival : {optional, someone who loves your character or someone your character loves before falling for the main lead, or basically anyone who creates confusion in the character's love life. :) }

Backup love rival :

Date of Birth , Age : { Month in letters Day, Year ❄ Age }

Group :

Personality :

How you met :

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival? :


[put the guy picture to replace the picture there ^^]

............... {} ...............

{}Special People

Best Friends : { Closeness should obviously be more than 7 }

 Name || Age || Occupation || How you met || Personality || How you act together || Closeness on a scale from 1 to 10


Friends : { Closeness should obviously be between 3 and 7 }

 Name || Age || Occupation || How you met || Personality || How you act together || Closeness on a scale from 1 to 10

 Name || Age || Occupation || How you met || Personality || How you act together || Closeness on a scale from 1 to 10

 Name || Age || Occupation || How you met || Personality || How you act together || Closeness on a scale from 1 to 10


Family :

Relation || Name || Age || Cccupation || Personality || How they act || Alive/Dead

 Relation || Name || Age || Cccupation || Personality || How they act || Alive/Dead 

... { you can add more }

............... {} ...............

{}Let be a superstar

How were your trainee days :

Number of years of training :

Persona :

Stage Name : { optional }

Position :

Backup Position :

Fanclub Name :

Fanclub Color : { include the hex code }


Comments :

Suggestions : { Any song? Concept? etc... }

Scene Requests :







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