I'm Sorry

To All My Dearest Readers:

Yeah, the time that I feared will come eventually came. I will be having a LONG HIATUS. 

All fics will be on hold from now on. I'm really sorry for doing this at the peak of 'When The Film Reeled' I just can't handle tampering that fic of mine with my incompetence at the moment. It will be unfair not to give justice to my fics and just post whatever I can. I hope you understand. I too don't want to do this.

I won't stop being an ELF don't worry, it's just there's so much going on right now and I don't want to involve my fics into my messed up personal life. I want my life as an ELF to live on for a long long time and I will be spazzing but not publicly. I will do it by myself. I also left my other spazzing accounts on hiatus. Everything is on hold even my Livejournal acct.

I will come back. Someday, soon. And when I do I will make you splurge on all the updates and probably the new fics. I hope you can wait for me till then. Please don't forget me and be patient.


Thank you everyone, till the day we meet again.


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Take all the time you need and recover at your pace from whatever is hurting you. About ELF... I guess you're a true one, sapphire blue blooded :) As long as they bring you happiness there's nothing wrong and everything good in spazzing over them, quietly or not.
And please don't feel guilty for "leaving us" readers because we do are patient if we're worth your time and we will be waiting for your return someday ♥
Take good care of you until we meet again!
i'll be waiting patiently for ur updates..i understand that u don't wanna rush things..
it's ok really :)
i could totally understand your feeling...
take a good care of yourself, dear
and till we meet again..
You'll always be one of my fave authors, I hope you find your happiness...remember there is no problem big or small that you can't solve....till then..I will just think that you'll be in a very very long vacation..
ayawani #5
Take your time as much as you want Author-nim but please do comeback.. :)