All about me + Selfies! (Stolen from Harmony_)

1) what is your name? Alyssa Kauanoe ____ (Last name will stay secret ;p)

2) how old are you? 16! Turning 17 in August!

3) what school are you in? Junior in high school

4) where do you live? What country or state? Missouri, USA

5) what is your height? 5'5, almost 5'6

6) how much do you weight? 111 pounds :p

7) how many siblings do you have? Two! A brother and sister! I am the eldest!

8) how many members are in your family? My two siblings and parents

9) what is your eye color? Brown

10) what is your hair color? Brown... for now :p I change hair colors a lot.

11) do you wear glasses/contacts? Yes and I hate them

12) are you left or right handed? Right handed!

13) do you a have any piercings? If so, where? Ears. Just one in each.

14) do you smoke? Nope

15) do you swear? Hell no!... Wait...

16) do you get along with your parents? Yes and no. Depends on the day :p

17) do you have a best friend? Can you name 5 facts about him/her? Her name is Mary (aka BabyBBC_) and I love her! She loves Kris, Yongguk, and Zico, she had an evil kitty named Jade, she is one inch shorter than me, she was a gymnast, and.... idk... she's white? :p

18) your heritage? I am half white, a quarter Hawaiian, and a quarter Filipino

19) greatest fears? Ghosts, spiders, any bug that buzzes, and the dark

20) best physical features? I like my eyes... I guess :p

21) your bedtime? Whenever I fall asleep 

22) what time do you wake up in the morning? On school days: 5:45. Any other day: 9am

23) do you shower daily? Uuuhh, yes. Don't nobody wanna be near me if I smell funky!

24) favorite type of music? K-Pop (duh), reggae, rock, 50's classics, 80's rock, etc. 

24) any talents? I can play viola and ukulele, volleyball, and I am the best snuggler you will ever meet :p haha I'm such a loser

25) have you ever been to the hospital? Nope. I am lucky enough to not get seriously hurt... although I managed to hurt my ankle three time in this past month...

26) happiest moment in your life? It has not happened yet but I am going back to Hawaii this summer and I haven't seen my family in so long and I'm sooo excited!

27) saddest moment in your life? The day I left Hawaii and Ohio (after moving there from Hawaii)

28) hardest decision you've ever made? I don't know. Making decisions aren't hard for me... I guess choosing a cereal for breakfast this morning was hard

29) most embarrassing moment? Every moment I had fallen up the stairs in school xP In front of other people!

30) biggest regret? Not choosing frosted flakes over apple jacks (Reference to #28)

31) who was your first love/ crush? This kid named Dillan in 3rd grade

32) who was your first kiss? Any details? 8th grade boyfriend, Wes

33) the longest relationship you have been in? 5 months

34) ever had a heart break? Nope. 

35) how many relationships have you been in? 4-5? 

36) most awkward moment in your life? I have the most awkward classmates in Spanish. They are all so weird.

37) ever fought? Won or lost? I took Tae Kwon Do in 1st-2nd grade and I would always beat up the other boys xD My father was proud meanwhile my mother was concerned.

38) favorite hobbies? Writing, watching videos, learning new languages/cultures

39) favorite singer/band? At the moment it is EXO, Royal Pirates, and Eric Nam for Korea, Enrique Iglesias and Paulina Rubio for Spanish, and Jason Chen for America

40) best moment in your life? When I got over my fear of public speaking

41) biggest dream? To graduate college with a degree in linguistics and to live happily ever after with the guy of my dreams

42) what do you plan on being in the future? English teacher. Maybe teaching Asian and Latino immigrants how to speak English in California.

43) favorite color? Purple, black, and silver

44) favorite food? I like my food how I like my men... Asian

have you ever...

45) laughed for no reason? Yes. People may think I am insane but the world is so funny xD

46) got caught doing something you weren't suppose to be doing? Not anymore but yes :p (Learn from mistakes)

47) been drunk? Yes. 

48) fired a gun? When I was nine my uncle let me shoot his rifle and I hit all my targets (Still gloating about it xD #loser)

49) had ? Nope. Not exactly waiting for marriage but I don't want my first to be regretted

50) gone skinny dipping? Ain't nobody wanna see that...

51) been assaulted? No

What was the last...

52) Thing you ate? Chocolate... xD

53) Person you have talked to? Boyfriend ^^

54) Song you have listened to? Mental Breaker- Block B (Yes I did Taeil's long note, yes I (did not) nail it)

55) Movie you watched? Prince of Egypt

56) Time you cried? Last night when I saw this woman with her newborn baby. Sooo cute!

57) Place you have been to? My closet :p

58) Thing you've done before this? Finished my English project!


59) Planet? EXO Planet. Duh

60) Age you've been so far? 16!

61) Season? Autumn

62) Number? 19! Hence my username

63) TV show? Reign, To The Beautiful You, Boys Over Flowers, (I love Korean dramas btw) haha xD

64) Flower? Plumerias! (aka what Hawaiian leis are made of)


65) How much cash do you have on you? $73 (Saving up for my Hawaii trip)

66) What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? Floor. Where I like to lay down, put my laundry, and drop it.

67) What T-Shirt are you wearing? Loose tank top with a lacy back and 'Oh La La' on the front ^^

68) What brand of shoes are you wearing? Bare... because I am barefoot at the moment xD

69) What did your last text message say? "Bby you're so weird."

70) What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping xD

71) What's your current desktop picture? Block B

72) What's a word that you say a lot? "Sh*t muthaf*cker... A$$!" (BabyBBC_ will get this) I also say kkaebsong and yehet a lot xD

73) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Purple!

74) How is the weather right now? Nice and sunny ^^

75) What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ? Hair xD

76) Are you too shy to ask someone out? Kinda? I guess. If they want to go out with me too then they can ask me out :p

77) Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? Hahahahaha no

78) Who would you like to see right now? Tao... don't tell my boyfriend

79) How many pillows do you sleep with? 7... Don't judge me

80) Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace/ Facebook or Instagram? Instagram is how I met my boyfriend xD Definitely not someone from MySpace though. If he uses MySpace then he must be a loser xD

81) How do you want to die? In fetal position in bed. (Same position I started in and in my favorite place)

82) What do you want to be when you grow up? English teacher

83) What country would you most like to visit? China or Korea!

84) How many CDs do you own? None

85) How many things, in your past, do you regret? A lot, but I don't think about them often

86) Do you think you are attractive? I'm a y ... except in the morning. I take on troll form then xD

87) Do you believe in yourself? I know what I can do and I know my limits
88) Do you want to get married? Not now. My mother says I can't get married until my sister graduates high school... my sister is 9... xD

In a boy/girl...

89) Favorite eye color? Don't care  

90)Favorite hair color? Black. My favorite Tao hair color is black 

91) Short or long hair? Short but not buzz cute short

92) Height? Must be taller than me but not a giant

93) Weight? Not gonna lie, I like fit guys.

94) Selca:






(My trynna be cute xD)





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bwahahah~ hey therreeeeee~~ XD omg why are you so funny???/
Holy crap I think we would be besties. I play volleyball and and a buncha other stuff that you mentioned that Im tOo lazy to go find and reference. Btw ur freaking hilarious
I was laughing through all of this! You have an awesome personality XD btw you are so beyond gorgeous!!