Things I think of now

The news, it was such a big thing. The incident with my senior, caused such an uproar. And I am clearly saddened by it. Her friends were saddened by it too but they still had to continue with their examinations. 


My sister saw this and had to link this to her irrational thoughts of the Second Coming. She just had to. Got freaking sad and worried for no reason. And I'm sure it's not because she's saddened by someone's death. I'm sure that it's some irrational thought about the rapture and I don't know how she would link it to that. I remember my father telling me, "Ah, I have forgotten that I should not let her see the newspapers."


Like what the heck, because there are people still griefing over this incident and you had to treat it like she's some scum or something. 


That was a long time ago but I still remember. I can hardly forget. I'm sure her parents can't forget. No one can forget. 




Just a few days ago my dad has to say that my sister understands me a lot. 


If you understood you wouldn't have reacted like that when you saw my senior on the news. She was on the headlines, but it wasn't her fault. She doesn't deserve people talking crap about her because she contributed so much to the school. And when it happened? The school mates talked like it was none of their business. They didn't know her but so what? I didn't know her as well. But based on my observations I know that she was really nice. Be sensitive, even if you don't know her. 


(And I'm trying to keep this in but people will guess sooner or later. Please don't pry me, no matter how interesting it seems)




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