
Have any of you know the real overdose MV?

It seems that I just can found the recorded one, but not from SM..

I know I am so selfish because South Korea still waiting for the ship, but why there is the recorded one?

Thank you so much..


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Aku ada official mvnya haha. Udah dihapus sih sama sm yang di youtube. Kemaren sebelum dihapus udah download duluan :>
please just wait and don't even ask about the status of the music video.

the music video isn't even important at this stage.

i know you're very anxious for the comeback and the video and all, but really... given the circumstances right now... i find this almost embarrassing to even read.
Indo kan?._. Gara gara yg kecelakaam itu rata rata agency nunda promosi idolnya.. ya kalo buat exo m itu jg rda gak ngeh sih, soalmya mereka tetap promosi._.
the promotion has been delayed.. don't know till when.. :)