idk anymore.

i was toying around with my laptop when i came across like a dozen unfinished stories and about 80% of them are horror. i honestly don't remember i've even written these fics and i feel like i should finish them somehow but idk if they're actually worth reading or not.

so... um, i'll just post one of them here and pls tell me what you think of it if you have the time to read through it > <



That's what Xiumin was. He knew he shouldn't have let curiosity take over him. He should have been inside his tent, fast asleep. The thought made him long for the warmth of his sleeping bag as he shuffled deeper into the forest, hoping that he would somehow find his way back to camp. All was silent in exception of the rustle of leaves as an occasional gust of wind blew through the trees.

Trembling from the cold, he stopped to look around, wrapping his jacket tightly around him. Nothing. Of course there was nothing. They were in the middle of nowhere. Thinking that he was probably beginning to grow paranoid, he went on to resume walking.

And that’s when he saw it. The thing that had caused all this trouble for him. Under the bright silvery light of the moon stood what seemed like the shadow of a man. He had a ruffled look about him and wore no shoes. A rather familiar-looking short pole rested atop his shoulder. Just as he was about to ask who he was, he was interrupted by a sudden eerie howl. He drew back instinctively, his eyes darting here and there in fear. Once reassured that whatever made the noise was gone, he glanced at the direction where he had seen the mysterious figure but, oddly enough, he had disappeared.

He pressed his lips together firmly, determined to get down to the bottom of this mystery and eager to seek help from the strange man. It was most likely the latter knew his way about better than he does, and perhaps he would be kind enough to lead him back to the camp. Motivated, he sprinted up the steep trail, following his instincts as he continued his endless journey. Soon he found himself standing in front of a collection of boulders that formed a wall, the moonlight turning the rocks into a pale silvery hue.

And standing by the largest boulder was the man.

The boy approached him cautiously, afraid that he would vanish once more. But this time he remained silent, gazing out at the distance as if deep in thought. He didn't answer when he called him.

“Excuse me!” He repeated, getting slightly irritated. Doesn't he have any manners at all? “Who on earth are –”

He stopped as realization dawned on him. Shivers ran up the youth’s spine and he turned pale from terror. The pole he had assumed the man was carrying wasn't, in fact, on his shoulder at all.

It had gone through his neck.

He reeled away from shock, now knowing why it had looked so familiar. The pole had been a part of an axe, which her father had used frequently to cut wood for the winter. He swallowed, trembling even harder. Where was the rest of the axe?

He found out seconds later. Frozen from fright, he felt a finger prod his shoulder and slowly turned to find the man standing before him, a terrifying smile on his face. Now that they were only a meter apart, Xiumin could see every detail of his broken body. Wounds marked every inch of his deathly pale skin. There was a gaping hole on his right cheek, surrounded by rotting flesh. On his hand was the axe, and he raised it above her head.

"Goodbye." He whispered.

And his scream rang through the air.



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honestly, i can't even write anything remotely scary besides creepypasta. i think you forgot to change some "her"'s into "he". idk, sounds interesting! maybe you should post them up! :D